A good-quality bag must last forever. Many bags are considered serious investments, and others are fleeting dalliances. But for many, bags are like relationships: Marry the best one and get to have short-term affairs with the exciting ones.

Whether they are vintage leather bag or any other bags, it’s important to enjoy them all time and not save them for any special event. You should just wear them now. The more used and loved they are, the more character the bags will have.

Just like how the wrinkles on a person’s face reveal their biography, the lines and marks on the bags will also tell their stories.

Finding the right vintage bags: How to do it?

The whole process can be pretty overwhelming when it comes to purchasing the best Vintage Bags. It’s because there are so many shops available both online and offline. So, how can you find the best vintage bags for yourself? Just follow these steps:

  1. Look for a reputed and reliable seller

You will surely come across numerous stores and shops, both online and in-store, that offer beautiful vintage bags. But only some are said to be trustworthy compared to others. This means you must purchase these bags from a place you can trust and take authenticity pretty seriously, just like you.

  1. Be sure to trust your gut

Many of the fakes are super fakes, which means that they have deconstructed an original bag and then copied it. Since these types of counterfeit products exist, you have to spot the difference between the real and the fake by running your hands and feeling the markers of quality. When the bag is pretty light, and the leather feels cheap, don’t think of purchasing it.

  1. Look at the serial

Every vintage and other luxury bag comes with internal markers or serial numbers to prove their authenticity. Channel Bags will come with a hologram stick along with an actual authenticity card. The number displayed on the card will match the one present inside the bag.

Hermes bags come with a date stamp along with the brand name printed somewhere on the bag. Louis Vuitton puts a date code with the bag, and it’s stamped on the interior lining or on the tab. Try to check the font. When it’s different from how the brand name is displayed, think twice before making the purchase.

  1. Compare with the actual product

Authenticators are said to spend many years looking through hundreds and thousands of bags, both from second-hand stores and actual stores. They do so right before they can point out the difference. Once you take a look at the images of the actual products, you have an idea of how exactly all the pieces must look. Check how exactly the bag sits, the material’s texture and how the bag holds its shape.

Final Phrase 

When it comes to purchasing good-quality vintage bags, you must always purchase them from a well-known and reliable store, either physical or online. Be sure to check the material and the authenticity and also compare the products before purchasing.