Digital transformation is a great possibility for many businesses- one of the crucial steps for extreme transformation is developing a mobile app. A mobile app is essential not to grow and establish your business but also to reach people worldwide.   

Today we will discover some top mobile app development trends that’ll be liked in 2023 and beyond.   

  • Rise in Augmented and Virtual Reality   

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) has been a hot topic for many years now, this technology is certainly not new, but its uses have evolved with time. One of the most hoped mobile app development trends-AR and VR, have made tremendous growth.  

Brands use VR to give extraordinary experiences to their users, such as Samsung Gear VR, LG 36 VR, and many others. AR and VR are capable of bridging the gap between the virtual and physical worlds. Below are some of the stats to strengthen this fact:   

  • There are more than 57 million VR users and 90.9 million AR users in the U.S.  
  • As of 2022, the Virtual reality gaming industry has a market size of more than $12 billion.   
  • 23% of VR/AR device users are between the age of 25- to 34-year-old.   
  • Virtual reality gaming revenue is bound to grow by $2.4 billion in 2024.  
  • According to Statista, VR and AR global market value will gain $250 billion U.S. dollars in 2028.   

AR and VR can be utilized in the following industries:   

  1. Furniture,  
  2. Clothing,  
  3. Eyeglasses,  
  4. Make-up,  
  5. Pain colors,   
  6. Glasses and others.  
  • 5G Technology   

5G provides stability and faster support to users, smart devices, and services. With 5G, processes have become much more efficient and durable. It is the new wireless connectivity that enhances capacity and efficiency. Technology has existed for years, and implementing 5G has been the buzzword for some time. When the tech was integrated, completely great results were seen.  

Below is a chart depicting the significance and growth of the 5G technology: 

Following is some of the things to expect from 5G technology:  

  1. 5G is a hundred times faster than 4G.  
  1. Video streamlining applications are meant to fasten with much less latency, higher resolution, and quicker performance.  
  2. 5G is bound to provide more opportunities for AR and VR.  
  3. Transferring data between devices would be easier, all thanks to AR and VR.
  • Super Apps  

You must have heard about Super apps as they are doing rounds for being a frequent mobile app development trend. This is one of the most innovative and smart ways to test a mobile app and measure the outcome. A super app is a large application in which smaller applications are integrated. A super app can be based on delivery, finance, purchasing, entertainment, and other significant services. For example, some of the popular smart apps are Uber, Klarna, and bolt.   

Have an app idea?   

Cerebrum Infotech is a certified and experienced mobile app development company. If you have an app idea that you consider popular, we can assist you. For more information, visit our website.