Dengue Fever Diet Tips For Fast Recovery

Dengue affects a huge population every year. People should practice a dengue prevention guide to stop it from spreading. We can’t stop it but control it by taking care of our surroundings and diet. The virus starts spreading through stagnant water from heavy rain and sewerage systems—the water breeding ground for mosquitoes that spread dengue.


If you are diagnosed with dengue fever, you must be careful to recover completely. Your diet can influence your recovery from dengue rapidly. Make sure you take the right food to help you quickly recover from dengue fever. It will also relieve the various symptoms of the dengue virus and give you some extra relief along with the medication advised.


This blog by Pakistan Observer, known for breaking news in Pakistan, aims to inform people of this dangerous virus that affects many people’s lives. There are so many ways to get rid of this virus fast. We cover a few tips that help you get rapid recovery.

Here are the Foods You Must Eat To Recover Faster From dengue

Monsoon is the time when mosquitoes cause all kinds of diseases and viruses. Those who suffer from dengue face gut-wrenching pain, high fever, vomiting, and weakness. But don’t feel upset. All these tips below help you to get rid of dengue fever quickly.

Vegetable Juice

Vegetables are rich in essential nutrients and fibre. You can prepare juice with multiple vegetables such as beetroot, carrot, and cucumber. It will provide you with a high level of nourishment and keep you healthy at the same time. Add some lemon juice to the vegetable juice to increase the vitamin C content and enhance the vegetable juice’s taste.

Coconut Water

Drinking coconut water as much as possible in dengue is recommended to avoid dehydration. It nourishes your body and keeps you hydrated. You can drink up to two or three glasses of coconut water daily. Coconut water is a healthy and nutritious drink that you can drink regularly.

Ginger Honey Tea or Herbal Tea

Ginger tea is a detox for dengue-affected people because the tea has antioxidants that help people quickly recover. Ginger tea and herbal teas are loaded with properties beneficial for your health. For better health, you can choose ginger tea, cardamom tea, or cinnamon tea. You can sip herbal tea and fasten up your recovery from dengue. The refreshing flavour of herbal tea will also refresh your mind. You indeed avoid food that needs to be chewed. All you want to consume is a lot of watery things.

Fresh Juices

Fresh juices are essential for dengue recovery rapidly because they are quickly absorbed by our bodies and help to overcome weakness. Fruit juices, especially citrus fruits, are the best source of vitamins like A and B. They are laden with vitamin C, known for their immunity-boosting properties. Plus, it is gut-friendly, and the fibre in the juice will also keep you from gastric problems in fever.

Porridge or Oats 

Dengue patients are recommended to eat soft food like porridge. It is the best item to choose from in all categories of food. Oats and porridge are easily swallowed and digested because, with a high fever, patients can’t digest oily, spicy, and junk food.

Final Thoughts,

Do not drink papaya leave juices because it is harmful to your stomach. When you start consuming papaya juice with a fever, it will damage your stomach and cause serious illness. Try to recover your fever with a natural diet and plenty of fresh juices.

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