There are quite a lot of misconceptions about the process of car repair when the car is taken to Collision Repair Center. Many car owners do not know how a car’s damages are handled and repaired. In this blog, you will get to understand the process of collision repair. You will get an idea about how assessment about your car is made and where you can take it for the repair services.

Collision Damage is More Than What Meets The Eye

The entire vehicle gets impacted when it hits an obstacle. The body panels might get broken, or bent and the same will happen with the wheels, frame components, drivetrain parts and pieces of the car interior. Even a minor bending can affect the wheel alignment and the suspension position. Therefore, you should get your car repaired fully from the damage.

The Skill Of The Appraiser Would Decide The Shop Estimates And They Can Be Varied

You should always get a skilled appraiser to identify what damages have been done by a collision and provide an equivalent or similar to the final repair cost.

You might get a lower estimate from an inexperienced appraiser, but it would not cover the full repair that the car needs to go through.

Some repairs will only be evident after the repair work has commenced. Therefore, a skilled appraiser is important because they are experienced enough to know the nuances of the repair, and they will be able to convince the car insurer that the appraiser missed the damage the first time due to a legitimate reason. They would also convince the insurance company that these repairs are important to make the car safe to travel.

Correct Assessment Is Important For “Totaling” The Car

When the repair cost becomes more than the vehicle’s original value, the insurance company considers it a “total loss”. This goes beyond the severity of damage it has caused. Whether new or old, the car has to become completely irreparable to get considered a ‘Total Damage’. An old car might easily get to this criteria as they have low or no resale value and higher part prices.

The Metal Parts OF The Car Body Is Difficult To Reshape

It is a common misbelief that the body panel of a car can be popped back easily after a collision. Generally, these ideas come through the tv or internet videos claiming that some household items or tools can achieve those.

However, irrespective of the press from a factory or a collision, a body panel stays bent after it, and a dent cannot be removed easily. Car body repair technicians use different tools and techniques to reshape and bend the metal back to its original shape.

The Car Might Be Repaired Without Body Fillers

In the olden days, body fillers were used to cover body repairs. People would run a magnet over the car body to get an idea of the metal parts and the parts covered in body filler to conceal the dents. However, this process is not always accurate. Some cars come from the factory with fillers to hide minor differences after shaping the metal.

Advanced tools and body repair techniques are available that reshape the tools to allow the dents to be removed and the metals reshaped without using fillers. Automotive paint can be flexed with the body panels until it gets separated.

The damage can be minor enough to bond the paint, and the dents can be repaired without respraying the panel. The car technician can also fix surrounding metal without new painting services. This might also mean that it would be impossible to identify the repair after it is finished.

A Damaged Vehicle Can Be Made As Good As New With Quality Repair

Experienced technicians and body shops who work directly with the manufacturers would bring the damaged car back to its original specification. With these repairs executed perfectly, the vehicle would have the same structural integrity, function and appearance as a new vehicle without any damages.

Ending Thoughts

Though your insurance company will suggest you take your damaged vehicle into a certain body shop, know that you have the right to choose from finding the collision shop that would be best suited for your car. You might be suggested to go to the repair shop that would cost less money to the insurer, but you don’t need to bother about that.

You should only be concerned with quality work while repairing your car’s damage. Glaser’s collision Centre is the top collision repair center where 100 per cent quality service is guaranteed. They ensure timely work and pay attention to the smallest detail to ensure that the collision repair service is done correctly.