It is one of the most spectacular and legendary landscapes in the world, formed according to the versions by the erosion of time or by the fight of giants. Located in the Philippines, on the island of Bohol, we visit the mysterious Chocolate Hills .

Chocolate hills Misty sunlight over Chocolate hills in Bohol, Philippines. Chocolate Hills stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

They are hills that measure between 30 and 120 meters, with smooth tops, some conical, that emerge from the exuberant vegetation like truffles half-buried in the jungle . But only during part of the year will they have that chocolate appearance that contrasts with the surrounding green.

And it is that depending on the season, the grass that covers the more than a thousand mountains changes color, and in the dry season, in the months of December to May, they become brown “truffles” , hence the name by which they are they know her

The Chocolate Hills ( tsokolateng burol in Tagalog) is one of the main attractions of the tenth largest island in the Philippines, a unique environment in the world, made up of thousands of almost identically shaped mounds that accumulate in an area of ​​50 kilometers squares.

They are located in the center of the island of Bohol , between the cities of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan. The scientific version of the “chocolate” mounds explains that the remains of coral and molluscs accumulated over centuries when the sea covered the area acquired that shape over time.

This is how a bronze plaque reads in the viewpoint of the municipality of Carmen on which we can look out at the wonderful panorama:
This karst origin, from a combination of the dissolution of the rock by rain, surface water and groundwater, explains why the calcareous rock mountains contain numerous caves and springs.

Of course, there are other “theories” for this curious landscape. Legend has it that there are mythological giants behind the Chocolate Hills . According to the versions, it could have been due to a fight between large balls of earth and stones; or also, in a more romantic legend, for the tears that a giant shed when he lost his beloved.

The fact is that there are more than a thousand hills, about 1,300 according to the official versions , although there are also a variety of opinions on this, and there are those who see about 1,700 mounds. A set of similar mounts is found in Java, but of more irregular shapes and sizes. The geomorphic uniqueness of the chocolate hills lies, then, in the similarity between them.

Chocolate Hills "Panorama of The Chocolate Hills. Bohol, Philippines" Chocolate Hills stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

The Chocolate Hills are so iconic in Bohol that they are a part of the provincial flag and seal to symbolize the natural appeal of the province. Due to their peculiarity, they were declared the third National Geological Monument and proposed for inclusion in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites .

To get to the Chocolate Hills in Bohol you have to go towards Carmen City and ask to be dropped off next to the hills. You can’t climb them, but there is an observation deck at the entrance, on an elevated location that you will have to access on foot (or by rental motorcycle) and pay a small entrance fee.

We leave you with a video of these natural wonders, the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines , which brings us closer to their origin and other attractions in the environment.