Who has not suffered an incident at home? Suddenly the day turns bad because the ceramic hob breaks, the basement appears flooded in the middle of the dry season, or your dog takes to using your neighbor’s mobile as a bone… Can you imagine what the most common mishaps are?
Homes are witnesses to countless happy moments.
Statistics reveal that one out of every four insured households registers some mishap throughout the year, according to Unespa’s Social Insurance Report. Although this figure only takes into account insured homes (three out of four in Spain), it gives an idea, due to its volume, of the high probability that an incident will cross your path at some point. It is enough to count the number of damages that second mortgage insurance companies receive part of in just one minute to verify it.
Every 12 seconds, leaks cause some damage to a home; every 26, a glass shatters, and every 40, there is some electrical damage… We have already told you what to do when an unforeseen event of this kind surprises you. Now we list the five most common home accidents and, what is even more critical, which ones cost the pocket the most:
Most common home accidents
- Water damage
It is not unlikely that at some point, you will end up feeling like Noah in the Universal Flood in your own home due to a burst pipe. And it is that water is the star of most mishaps in the home. To be exact, leaks cause 2.5 million insurance claims per year, at the cost of 2.4 million euros per day, which makes them very annoying tenants.
This unwelcome guest tends to harm the neighbors as well. In these cases, other home insurance coverage, civil liability, comes into play.
Water damage is ranked number 1 among the most common claims in the home. And it is important to know how this coverage works.
- Broken glass
Every year more than 1.2 million windows are broken in Spanish homes, or what is the same, one every 26 seconds. The characteristic ‘crash’ of broken glass varies by province and has a more than high cost. Insurers pay an average of 653,180 euros per day for this concept every day.
By the way, do you know how broken glass coverage works?
- Assistance
These claims cover a wide spectrum: from problems that require professionals to be sent to the home, whether to carry out renovations, repair appliances, or carry out a DIY service, to mishaps that require aesthetic restoration, among many others. Hence, they occupy third place in incidence with more than one million mishaps per year. Its cost (160,829 euros per day) is not, however, one of the highest.
- Electrical damage
We can do little today without electricity. But when the current fails, apart from plunging us into darkness, it can lead to more than one headache.
And it is that at the end of the year, there are more than 790,000 incidents linked to this great invention, whose damage costs about 486,000 euros per day to insurers. Not in vain, electrical damage is becoming more and more important in the list of most common claims in the home.
- Atmospheric phenomena
Wind, snow, or hail storms, among other atmospheric phenomena, cause 554,047 claims at the end of the year. Its cost is usually high: daily damage exceeds 500,000 euros, which is why it is convenient to be protected against an eventuality linked to the weather.
Although this is the end of our list, you may be wondering how often some of the most fear-inspiring incidents such as robberies or fires occur. We clear the doubt!
The high cost of robberies and fires
The robbers carry out 378,631 hits at the end of the year. Although due to their incidence, they do not represent the most common problem (they occupy seventh place in the ranking), they do represent the second most expensive claim, only behind leaks. To be exact, the daily loot of the thieves amounts to 745,000 euros.
Despite the fact that fires, for their part, represent the eleventh most frequent mishap (95,746 occur in Spanish homes per year), they are also among the most costly incidents: the flames devour goods worth 585,000 euros a day in the Spanish homes.
We close, now, the list of most common home accidents and, therefore, those that are most likely to spoil your day. Fortunately, your home insurance can protect you against these unforeseen events, so you can breathe a sigh of relief while your company solves the problem.