If you’re planning to take your child to the beach, one of the first things you’ll check to see if you have, or have purchased, is the Sand pal kit. There can be no more classic image than a small child crawling around on the beach, building sand castles, digging holes and forts, burying dad, and collecting interesting stones, shells, seaweed, and other small objects that skulk around at the bottom of their bucket. If you made it all the way to the beach without purchasing this necessary equipment, you’ll have been reminded by the parade of brightly coloured shops and stalls lining the sea front, selling an astounding array of sand pal kits.

Medium Sandpal 

Issuu on Beach Toys

Sand Pal at houzz

Sandpals Kit at Gust

Pin on Sandpal Kit

Medium Children Toys 

Instapaper Sand Pal

Scoop Sand pal

Flipboard on Sanpals

To learn more about the sand pal kit, healthy children, and natural toys, please visit these websites.