There was a time when traditional website designing techniques and strategies were used. But things have kept evolving in this industry and the current trend is of sustainable web design that has emerged as a really sustainable and economical alternative to the traditional web design Darlington techniques. 

This modern technique differs so much and is better too because instead of using images, videos, GIFs, etc. This method involves use CSS for styling and animation. The reason is that images, videos, etc. consume more bandwidth for download as compared to the CSS based content. Here is an article, where we have discussed different aspects of this ultra-modern concept and we will start with what is sustainable web design.


According to the experts involved in offering SEO services Darlington, sustainable web design mainly means designing a website by focusing entirely on the user-experience. There is a challenge that the website should be superfast to consume less bandwidth as well as time and money. 


As mentioned above, this kind of web designing is done keeping user-experience in mind and here is one more thing that has to be considered and the name is “environmental impact”. There are different factors, elements, functions, etc. in current web designing trends that prove that they are not sustainable at all. In other words, they have significant negative effects on the environment and human health, as well as implications for social justice. According to experts of website maintenance services Darlington, there are two goals that web design Darlington professionals look to achieve with sustainable website designing.

  • Crete a better global community 
  • Reduce costs on electricity bills for owners and users of sustainable websites

For this, they work in such a way that a lesser amount of data is required to access the website and download data from there.


  • Allow people to access content faster with less work on their end
  • Makes sites faster while saving users’ time, energy, and money
  • Much simpler and contain less clutter
  • Serves its intended purpose while minimizing harmful side effects on the environment and society
  • Beneficial to everyone, including owners and visitors
  • Also helps people learn about other cultures while browsing websites around yours
  • Benefit by making it easier for companies to find potential customers
  • Most sustainable designs focus on sustainable alternatives rather than cutting down on use
  • Allow people to access content faster with less work on their end

Then, this also needs a mention here that websites that have sustainable web design Darlington don’t have any animations at all. This is yet another USP because this way, designers make it easier for people with disabilities to access the website content without any impediments. This is beneficial from data consumption point of view as well because downloading animated content consumes more data, whereas plain text is quicker when loading pages. In short, this can be said that sustainable web design makes sites faster while saving users time, energy and money.