Mailing business holiday cards is a part of brand strategy, specifically brand visibility. However, while many companies participate in holidays cards, they tend to skip one of the most beneficial holidays: Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving cards for business represent a lucrative and valuable asset.

Thank you cards, which essentially hold the same value as Thanksgiving cards, provide an opportunity to show appreciation. The gratitude you offer your customers will often result in repeat business and increased loyalty.

People want to see businesses acting more human. They want the companies they support to show appreciation for the money they spend on products and services. There is nothing that says thank you more than those two words, and it doesn’t matter if it’s over the phone or written inside a card.

Reasons To Send Thanksgiving Cards for Business

There are many reasons to send Thanksgiving cards as a business. However, one of the primary reasons is to increase holiday earnings. Still, it would be best if you were careful to avoid blatant advertising on the card because consumers will likely resent your business for such tactics. Instead, focus on giving thanks to your clients. The brand name is often enough to evoke positive feelings and keep the company in mind as consumers start their holiday shopping.

Sending cards can also increase customer retention. People like to feel appreciated. By sending cards, especially personalized messages, the consumer feels acknowledged. Even the smallest acknowledgment can create tremendous loyalty.

Finally, sending Thanksgiving cards is not all that common among other businesses. Therefore, sending cards for Thanksgiving puts you at an advantage. While Christmas cards often become overwhelming and monotonous, Thanksgiving cards are often few and far between, so your brand will stand out.

Message and Card Tips for Holiday Cards

When sending Thanksgiving cards for business, you want to focus on a few fundamental rules: keep it short, keep the message focused, and send them early. Many companies try to create detailed and involved messages, but that is often overkill. When writing your holiday message, keep it short, like “Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for making [Brand Name] possible.”

You also want to keep your message focused on gratitude and thankfulness. The last thing any consumer wants is a holiday greeting full of sales offers and CTAs. Allow your brand to be the only source of advertising. If you want to provide something to make the card stand out, include coupons or a gift card, anything to add value.

Finally, you do not want to send your cards late. The worst thing that can happen is to send a happy Thanksgiving message after the holiday. Therefore, make sure you have everything ready before November. Talk to your local Post Office to learn how long it will take for your cards to get delivered.

When creating Thanksgiving cards, make sure you stay focused on the holiday. Too many companies focus on profits and alienate the marketing strategy immediately. Are you ready to design your Thanksgiving cards for next season? Visit Cards for Causes and choose a template or design; you can also speak to a representative for help.