Costing compared to Third-Party Manufacturing of the Syrup The Range

Costing for this is easy and can be split by the work completed into different levels. The total cost includes the cost of raw materials that are used in the items. The cost can differ based on the needs and requirements of the client. Here is the costing process used in the production of third party products that is common in all companies.


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  • Primary packaging cost Primary packaging Cost It is the price of printed packaging materials like labels, Foil and more.

  • Secondary packaging cost Secondary packaging Cost It is comprised of the price of tape, PVC packing slips, shipping slips strips, etc.

  • This also involves the charge for batch. These are charges that cover the costs associated with Quality Control Costs as well as Local transportation costs. Processes are not being used for RM & PM and finally the production charges.

The Most Trusted Logistics & Distributor Partners in India

We, the renowned Syrup Range Manufacturer have access with the top logistics partners as well as distribution channels. They’re helping us get every product in time. Thanks to our logistics partner, our business has a strong network. They’re located across the country and supply us with the best guarantee of quality. We can distribute our products to almost every state and region of India thanks to our logistical network. Our logistics partners are experienced and certified drivers.

Contact Us

Name – Systole Remedies

Address –: Village Ogli Kala Amb Dist Sirmaur Himachal-173030

Phone Number – +91-7009076706