Washing your car can be fun, but sometimes it may turn into a nightmare. When you make mistakes while washing your car, these play against you and damage your car. You may break down your car’s paint and make it look unattractive and outdated.
If you do not know how to wash your car properly, you should let an expert do it for you. Booking car wash services in Johar Town Lahore can help you wash without making any mistakes. Professional services connect you with experts who have years-long experience and training.
Common Mistakes You Make During a Car Wash
Here, we have listed some common mistakes you should avoid during car wash:
1. Using Kitchen Soap or Detergent
One of the most common mistakes to avoid while washing your car is to use kitchen soap or detergent. The compositions of the home-based soaps and greasers are different from those made for your car.
If you keep using them regularly, these may damage your car’s paint, shine, and original finish. In this way, your car’s paint would peel off, making it look unattractive and outdated.
That is why you should not use your home-based soaps that are harmful to your car. Instead, use high-quality car detailing products that are available in markets.
If you want to get your car washed effectively without going to markets searching for quality car wash products, you can book skilled car cleaning agents. Book car wash services in Johar Town Lahore to get your car washed effectively with high-quality products.
2. Washing Your Car in Direct Sunlight
This is another common problem you make while washing your car. When you wash your car in direct sunlight, it can dry your car wash foam before you rinse it with water.
In this way, the dried-up car wash soap or detergent may leave marks and spots on the surface of your car. These marks may become permanent, which may prove a challenge when you want to remove them. It may degrade the original look of your car and make it look dirty and unattractive.
So, you should not wash your car in direct sunlight. Instead, try to wash it under some shade that will not let your car wash soap dry quickly.
3. Using Old T-shirts or Paper Towel
Sometimes, you pick one of your old T-shirts, dip it in water and start washing your car. Do not ever do it lest it damages your car’s paint. It happens because some T-shirts have a painting which can scratch your car’s paint, leaving marks on it.
Further, using a paper towel to wash your car may also create scratches that can peel off your car’s paint. You may have to spend a hefty amount of money to repaint your car.
So, you should not use your old T-shirts or paper towel during washing your car. Use some soft and silky pieces of clothes to wash your car. Moreover, you can book car wash services in Lahore for an effective and scratch-free car wash.
4. Not Using Lubricants
Sometimes, you see a bird poop on your car and try to remove it with a key or dry paper towel. You may scratch your car’s paint, creating a bigger problem than the bird poop.
Instead, spray some lubricant first to break adhesion with the paint and make it easy to remove. Now, you can clean it without ruining your car’s paint.
Remember! Do not leave that bird poop on your car for longer because it contains acid that can break down the paint. The broken-down paint catches rust like a magnet.
Moreover, before starting washing your car, carefully examine the whole surface of your car. If there are any residues on your car’s surface, spray lubricant on them so that these can be washed easily during washing.
When you do this before starting washing, you can remove them without damaging your car’s paint. And your car’s original look remains preserved. If you do not know the exact lubrication process, you can book car services in Lahore that use high-quality lubricants and keep your car’s paint intact.
5. Utilizing the Same Water Bucket for Washing & Rinsing
If you are trying to save water by using a single water bucket for washing and rinsing, it is not a good idea. If you have soap mixed with water in a bucket, wash your car with it. But after you have washed your car, do apply the same water for rinsing it off.
It may not rinse the soap and washing foam completely because it also contains the same. This way, it may leave different marks and spots on your car.
It may affect the wash quality and not give you the proper shine you deserve. Hence, the dirty water spoils the time and energy you have spent.
So, you should not use a single bucket for washing and rinsing. Instead, always use two buckets: soap mixed water for washing and simple water for rinsing.