If you currently have an elderly pet dog, you might be thinking if it is beneficial to welcome a new puppy into your home. This is not a question with a simple answer. There are several factors that you want to consider prior to welcoming home a new pet puppy into your household.
Your Elderly Pet Dog’s Behavior And Temperament
The behavior and temperament of your elderly dog towards another dog is one important thing to consider. Yes, there are elderly dogs that adjust almost instantaneously while there are some who might have difficulty coexisting with your new pet.
If your elderly dog is docile and seems to get along quite well with various other animals, perhaps a companion puppy might work. But if your pet is quite domineering or has historically displayed aggression directed at other dogs, then a new pet puppy might just create tension within the household.
Your veterinarian San Antonio, TX is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.