To create a structured website a proper planning and best team is needs. Best plan and easy workflow helps you to deliver a faster and responsive website. For creating a website web design is more important. With technical focus, code, content, wireframes etc matters.

A well designed website always focus clients, they attract the users and make them to visit your site and helps them to know service, products, company and branding so on. To get all these information for clients you should make your website every element fine with user interactive and user experience mode.

For developing a website you should know coding, HTML,CSS and JavaScript. But most importantly you need to gather client needs and develop site according to that. Here we can discuss some simple steps for website development and its process.

The basic steps for website development include:

  • Gathering client’s ideas
  • Proper planning
  • Design structure
  • Budget
  • Timing
  • Working team
  • Coding
  • Testing and review, launching
  • Maintenance


A website development includes time and budget basically. But as a web development company they focus on

Goal identifying– identify customer goal for the website. Fullfill it with determination. Satisfy them with what they are expecting from website to turn their business and growth up.

Wireframe and sitemap creation- identifying the scope you should start sitemap how content and features can be specified. Making each and every page details specific you should detailed to the client how the site will be created.

Content and visual– you should focus on content which is very important and visualize the site finely with better images and videos that can attract and give details of the content to users.

Designing and development– start to design the site with new elements and trends which makes UI/UX far better and attaining a good feel to site users.

Site check-up– After creating the website you should verify everything is working fine and launching afterwards you should give support and service to the clients for their website problems.

For creating the best website go for a team or agency best in web design and development.

For developing a website you need a team with

  • Designers
  • Developers
  • Content writers
  • Testers
  • SEO
  • Marketing team

If you are following the above process correctly you can enjoy the result of successive website. The process take some time always so to make the work smoother you should follow these properly too.

For this you can seek technical expertise like best web design and  development company. They offer better service with affordable price.

So for any kind of web development in Dubai go for Mccollins media who are pioneers in web design and development for the past 11 years with world wide clients.