When is the right time to get married is a question that arisen in everyone’s mind when it came to the right time and age. It is difficult to answer that question.

Not only must you make sure you are ready, but also the readiness of your partner. Of course, don’t forget to communicate with your partner about wedding plans.

There are several signs that usually indicate that this person is ready for marriage. Maybe if you see this sign it can give you a little picture that you are actually ready to get married.

1. Ready to Share and Compromise

Living alone is difficult, but living alone with a partner will be even more difficult. Not only the problems faced will increase, solving problems with additional heads will also make it more difficult. Especially if your partner has a stubborn, uncompromising nature.

This is what makes marriage difficult. It need consideration if you want to decide to close the single period. If you and your partner are ready to live together, can share with each other, and can compromise with one another, then you can continue your relationship to a more serious one: marriage.

2. Have the Same Goal

Getting married is not an easy thing. You have to find the right partner so that the married life that is built can be happy. If the wrong partner chooses, then domestic life will feel like living in prison. In order not to experience mistakes, it is necessary to find out more deeply about your partner.

For example, what is the purpose of getting married and where do you want to go after marriage. If it turns out that both of you have the same goal, then you can at least take one step further towards the aisle. If the goals are different, try to communicate them first. If you really have different goals, it’s better to end the relationship so you don’t waste time.

3. Can Be Open

Dating is the first stage for all couples to explore everything about their partner before moving on to marriage. This period is a test of whether the person you are dating is really what you expect or not. If there are still things that are hidden from the couple, then this can carry over to the wedding.

If there is still something hidden from each party, before getting married it is better to discuss this first. It is important for a partner to have openness. How can we live a life with someone if there are still secrets that are hidden. Whether it’s a bad thing or a good thing, everything must be expressed.

4. Family Agreement

The majority of children certainly want to be children who are devoted to their parents. So, obeying the advice of parents is one way to become a dutiful child. Every important step you want to take, discuss with parents and hope for approval.

Getting married is an important choice in life and so this also needs to be discussed and needs approval from parents. If parents do not agree, then married life may be in trouble. If the parents of both parties have mutually agreed, then the marriage which is held is likely to run smoothly.

5. Can Solve Problems Without Drama

According to Premierge, life after marriage may still be happy in the first month, but then there will be challenges that must be faced. Whether the challenge is easy or difficult, each problem must be faced together without drama. Already having problems, plus unimportant drama that makes the problems at hand unfinished.

When you are still in the dating stage, you will definitely have problems. When you face these problems can you face and solve them without any unclear drama? If you are successful in solving problems without drama, it could be that you have met your soulmate.

6. Stable Income

There is an assumption that says that just get married first, then the door of sustenance will open by itself. How this assumption can arise is a big question. How can you get married if you don’t have money and your finances are still a mess? Is it true that holding a wedding does not cost money?

Before you get married, make sure that the finances of each party are in a stable stage. Don’t force yourself to get married while your financial condition is still worrying because the problem will continue into your married life. If your finances are still unstable, it’s better to postpone your wedding plans again.

7. Have a place to live

It would be better if before marriage had discussed the problem of where to live. There is an assumption that it is the man who has to buy a house as a place to live together. Yes, it doesn’t really matter, the important thing is that you have a place to live for your partner rather than having to ride with your parents or in-laws.

Are you a couple who already have a place to live or not? If not, make plans about where to live. It’s better if you don’t live with your parents or in-laws because it will definitely be complicated if there is a problem. Instead of living with your parents or in-laws, it’s better for you to contract or rent an apartment.

8. Age

If there are people who say that age does not indicate someone is an adult. There is some truth in these words. But if you’ve talked about marriage, age should also be taken into consideration. It is clear that if you have not yet reached the age of maturity, the person is still not worthy of marriage.

Marriage must be done by an adult partner. When the age has entered adulthood, then the selection stage is carried out. Does his adult age really indicate that he is also an adult. If all these things have been fulfilled, you can only plan to continue the relationship to a more serious one: marriage.

9. Already Know Your Partner in depth

Marrying someone you already know well will reduce the chances of having problems later when you get married. You know your partner’s strengths and weaknesses so you can understand when a problem occurs and are sure you can solve it.

Never get married if you feel that there are still things you don’t know about your partner. Find out more about your partner through building intimacy with spouse. Starting from the nature, character, advantages, disadvantages, friends, parents, even his family. All of these things are important to do to minimize the possibility of problems during marriage and after marriage.

10. Know The Reason To Get Married

When someone decides to get married there must be a reason. Making sure to know the reason for getting married is important. It’s best if you get married based on your own reasons. Not getting married because friends are already married or also pressure from parents.

Marriage must be because you are willing and ready. Getting married on the basis of people’s requests actually makes the heart want to get married quickly. Too hasty to get married can actually cause problems in the future. Whether it’s you or your partner, it’s best to ask what your reasons are for wanting to get married.