Taste is a vital component of smoking Shisha, and there are times when you have to experiment with a few different things to achieve the robust flavor that you like. 

Even though it is simple to produce a large quantity of smoke, the taste of the Shisha and the experience may suffer as a result. Therefore, you must ensure that you have everything under control from the very beginning to the last puff. This will ensure you enjoy a longer and more satisfying encounter.

Those who have only recently purchased a Shisha and are just starting will need more time to produce flavorful and dense smoke. As a beginner, you must be aware that the flavor can be affected by a dozen different things.

Even seasoned smokers of Shisha in Dubai complain about the inconsistent heating, damaged flavor, and harsh aftertaste, as well as the low amount of smoke produced. However, the taste of the Shisha can be improved with some helpful hints and suggestions.

It would help if you experimented with a wide variety of different mixtures to learn how to build a good shisha Dubai that everyone will appreciate. Everything from the combinations of tobacco and Shisha bowls to the number of coals, and the quantity of water in the flask and the Shisha service itself will affect the end product. 

Today, we are going to discuss a scenario in which you appear to have followed all of the instructions correctly, but the flavor of the Shisha either quickly fades away, or it is completely tasteless.

Here are a few reasons why you experience tasteless Shisha:

Everything about this question of why you can’t taste Shisha can be interpreted in several ways. To start, the way you perceive flavor is determined by your receptors. 

Your receptors may be slowed or blocked if you smoke a Shisha after recovering from an illness, including Covid, or after eating a very spicy or hot meal. If you scorched your tongue with coffee, don’t panic; the ability to taste will come back to you in about three weeks, as this is the average amount of time it takes for them to heal. 

However, with Covid, the situation could be more precise – specialists claim there is a possibility of a loss of taste even after a year.

To determine the cause of your inability to taste the Shisha, purchase a couple of different types of saturated tobacco. However, if you still don’t feel anything after all of that, it may be a problem with your receptors. 

In this case, you will need to either wait it out, avoid salty, spicy, and sweet meals, or consult a medical professional.

The Way You Add Tobacco To The Bowl

If you cannot taste the Shisha flavor due to the precise way you put the tobacco in your bowl; maybe you put too much tobacco in there, or you need more. 

Try to completely alter your strategy regarding the placement of the tobacco by either scoring it in touch or, on the other hand, fluffing up the tobacco and producing a well in the center of it. Unfortunately, no one choice will satisfy everyone’s preferences because there are no global options. 

In addition, a great deal is determined by the shape of the dish you use. So, try out different things and find what works best for you.

It is simply impossible to sample all available Shisha tobaccos due to the extensive available selection. However, if you always smoke the same quality or, more generally, the same flavor, you should switch to a new kind. 

Ideally, from a different range of prices or inquire the sommelier for a recommended brand so you can experience a noticeable variation in tobacco quality.

Technical Errors

It is not just an issue with the receptors that might make the Shisha flavor vanish; there are other potential causes. It depends on how the coals are placed and their location. When was the last time you cleaned the stem of the Shisha? When was the last time you replaced the silicone hose and the seals? 

The cleaning of the Shisha is the primary factor in determining the quality of the flavor delivery. Because silicone takes in flavorings gradually, it is recommended that you change the gaskets and the hose every six months.

The Shisha typically has a mild flavor, which may contribute to its overall design. For example, flavor transfer is significantly reduced on devices with an internal diameter greater than 14 millimeters; hence choose your devices wisely.


There are a few possible causes for smoking tobacco to catch fire. The first issue is a lack of adequate warmth. If you do not give the Shisha enough time to warm up, the upper surface of the tobacco will start to bake, which will cause the tobacco underneath it to catch fire.

Overheating is just another one of the possible causes. Overheating is typically caused by either using an excessive number of coals or failing to blow on the Shisha while it is being smoked. 

As a result, the bowl maintains its temperature despite the cessation of air circulation. You can fix this problem by detaching the pad and puffing into the bowl from across all directions.

Charcoal Quality And Handling

The flavor might be ruined by using poor-quality charcoal or inappropriate handling. Start by looking into purchasing charcoal from a premium shisha online; if that doesn’t solve the problem, move on to the next step.

Ignite the charcoal for the Shisha all the way through and from every side. Before placing it on top of the bowl, the charcoal must be glowing red and extremely hot on both sides.

It is always suggested that you begin by placing your charcoal chunks on the outer border of the bowl when you are using foil as a boundary between the bowl and the Shisha tobacco. This is because foil acts as a moisture barrier. 

The heat you desire from the session will dictate how near the charcoal pieces should be moved to the center of the fire. For example, if you begin the session by placing the charcoal pieces straight in the middle of the bowl, there is a good likelihood that your bowl may heat up too quickly, resulting in an overly charred flavor.

Insufficient Heating

It’s possible that the Shisha wasn’t heated enough, which led to an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Instead, put the coals within the Shisha and cap the Shisha hood or cover to let everything stand for a bit. 

This will allow you to get the tobacco to the ideal temperature and the bowl to the perfect temperature.

How much longer must you wait? It depends on the type of tobacco and the strength of the tobacco. If the tobacco is mild, you may need to let it sit for five minutes. If you used a robust flavor and a large cup, you would be able to heat all 10 of them. 

Take a trial puff at the end of the allotted time and make a mental note of the results; if there is no smoke or flavor, the cup needs additional time to warm up.


There are many approaches to skip having an unpleasant experience while smoking Shisha. However, you will need the assistance of a skilled sommelier familiar with the proper Shisha setup to avoid ever experiencing a flavor that is devoid of nuance.

It’s time to start looking for premium Shisha online so you may enjoy all the different tastes of Shisha without any interruptions.