Shadab Hotel Review: Hyderabad is famous for 2 special items- Dum Biryani and Irani Chai.
People start having Biryani starting from 10:30 am as their breakfast and continue till midnight as dinner in some places.
This has become a tradition cum habit these days that non-spicy recipes of biryani are being prepared in different hotels.
In the old city of Hyderabad, there are many hotels that prepare traditional Hyderabadi Biryani in a variety of styles.
Among these hotels, Shadab hotel is one of the famous hotels where you can find Chicken and Mutton Dum Biryani. This Hotel is also famous for other varieties like Dum Ka Chicken, Pudina Paratha, Kebabs, Chicken Dragon, Chicken Drumsticks, khubani-ka-meetha, Faluda, etc.