Jerusalem is considered a holy city, where Jews, Venetians, and Muslims reside. The artistic wealth in this territory is wide since each cultural ethnic group possesses techniques, strokes, shades, and forms characteristic of their culture and religion.
Jerusalem paintings are varied and express with acuity or subtlety the beliefs of the artists. It can be observed in Jews and Muslims, that their faith and devotion to God do not depend on a palpable or visual manifestation that they can create and see.
This idea differs from that of religious practices in Catholicism, which consider representations, whether sculptures or paintings, of what they worship as fundamental to fostering their faith.
Landscapes and Christian symbolism in the Jerusalem paintings
Most of the Christian paintings that decorate Jerusalem and depict it as a city that appreciates and produces art are passages described in the Gospels.
Many artists have found in this city a muse, the years and history of this territory are one of the most fervent reasons why they wish to represent the beauty and majesty of its streets. It is like a constant impetus to discover the most remote mysteries that hide its streets, its squares, and its temple.
The bible describes with total precision each of the physical characteristics of the temple in Jerusalem. Also, as in ancient times, the Levites presented sacrifices every year to atone for the sins committed by the people.
It relates to the existence of a sacred tent where the presence of God dwelt, at the time when Israel left Egypt in search of the Promised Land. Long before the temple of Jerusalem was built, as it is known today.
It tells about the objects that were in the tabernacle of the temple, the chest of the covenant together with the tablets of the commandments, the cherubim, the utensils, the altar for the sacrifices, the candlestick and garments of the priests inlaid with precious stones: ruby, topaz, beryl, turquoise, sapphire, hyacinth, agate, onyx, topaz, amethyst, and jasper.
It is an excellent description of the sacred decorations of each significant part: structural and normative.
Paintings of the Temple of Jerusalem
Being such a significant building, it is considered the soul of Jerusalem, and one would expect nothing less from such a splendorous architectural work. Artists have illustrated the temple of Jerusalem from different angles, with realistic and symbolic paintings.
They show in graphic form the stories of the bible. Some paintings show the gates of the temple in glittering splendor and the people climbing the steps to those gates. Such a representation on canvas is reminiscent of the writing:
Open ye gates, open ye ancient doors, for the King of Glory is about to enter!
Who is the King of Glory? It is the Lord Almighty! He is the King of Glory!
Psalm 24: 9-10.
Other paintings illustrate the temple rising through the clouds and reaching the glorious celestial heights. A work with perfect nuances and silhouettes.