In the 21st century, Singaporean businesses put a premium on fiber optic cable in Singapore use. That is because the said cable is known to deliver fast, stable, and reliable Internet connection, which is essential for companies who want to make sure that their operations are going to be as seamless and efficient as they can be. 

Simply put, investing in a fiber optic cable in Singapore system is the way to go in today’s Internet-influenced society. Not sold out on the idea? Read the succeeding paragraphs for some of its most notable benefits. 


In general, fiber optic Internet speed is about 1 Gbps. For reference, that is approximately 10 to 20 faster than conventional cables, which is about 50 to 100 Mbps. This is one of the obvious reasons why many businesses use fiber optic cables. It makes Internet-related work faster and more hassle-free.


In the business sector, almost everything depends on an Internet connection. This is where reliability becomes a factor. That is because a slow internet connection can be detrimental to one’s internal network as well as an external one. 

If sending information to external sites with the use of an Internet connection is taking too long, it will keep trying until it adds to the overall traffic that is trying to utilize the internal network. In the long run, it can be detrimental to the overall efficiency of operations. 

Cover greater distances

Copper as well fiber-based signaling surfers from weakening of waveform signal over distance. This is not the case with a fiber optic cable in Singapore since they can transmit data over extended distances–vast distances. 

For reference, copper cables are efficient when it comes to transmitting to lengths of 100 meters. Fiber optic cabling, depending on signaling and cable type, can transmit efficiently to up to 24 miles. 

Saved space and enhanced cable management

The strands of fiber optic cable in Singapore are narrow and they are measured in microns (millionths of a meter), which is about the same diameter as human hair. Because of this, they can transmit incredible amounts of data at faster speeds and at much longer distances than copper cables.

For reference, a standard copper cable is about four times wider compared to a fiber optic cable in Singapore, but carries limited data. That said, companies that utilize the said cable take up less space and are a lot easier to manage. 

There are extra bonuses to this size reduction in cable mass, which frees up space and in turn allows improved cooled air circulation. Plus, since it is more organized, the office space becomes more aesthetically appealing. 

Summing up

These are only some of the most notable advantages of a fiber optic cable in Singapore system. Putting them into consideration, it can be said that investing in them is the way to go for businesses that want to have a competitive edge.

Yes, it can be a bit more expensive compared to other cables, but companies who choose to invest in them can rest assured that such a move can be more than worth it.