If you are facing problems like severe headaches or painful jaws, you could have a condition called bruxism. It is a condition in which people grind or crunch their teeth. If you do so while awake, it is referred to as awaken bruxism, and on the other hand, if you grind your teeth in your sleep, it is called sleep bruxism. One of the significant causes of bruxism is stress. According to research, the recent pandemic has affected people’s finances, resulting in more cases of depression. Thus, teeth grinding is becoming a common problem in most parts of the world. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this problem because it is difficult to stop the underline causes of teeth crunches and to grind. However, you can get rid of the negative effect by wearing a soft night guard for teeth.

What is Night Guard: A night guard is a retainer that can be soft or hard. It covers the biting surfaces and can be worn on the bottom or top set of teeth. Since patients have varied teeth patterns, a night guard is personalized for each patient to fit the teeth perfectly. It has many names. Therefore, when you hear your dentist talking about an occasional guard, a dental guard, a mouth guard, a bites splint, etc., they referred to the same thing.

Reasons to Wear a Night Guard: 

In most cases, teeth grinding happens during sleeping. The more it happens, the more enamel occurs, resulting in over-sensitivity. It becomes difficult for your mouth to stand cold or hot beverages or food. Additionally, without adequate enamel, your teeth become more susceptible to decay. When this process continues for a long, you are likely to develop an infection. Teeth clenching also causes damage by wearing out any fillings or fracturing a weak tooth. The surface of the teeth is made to handle the pressure of biting and chewing. But the additional stress of grinding or crunches is not susceptible. Besides suffering from unbearable pain, you will have to make several trips to the dentist for treatment. Further in this post, we will discuss the significant benefits of wearing a Soft night guard for teeth in detail:

  • Prevent Temporomandibular Joint Disorder:

    TMJ or the Temporomandibular joint connects to the jaw with the skull and affects the muscles we use to chew. As you grind your teeth, you apply pressure on the joint, which can cause misalignment of the teeth. Once misaligned, your teeth may develop TMJ function. It causes problems like pain around your ear, headaches and difficulty chewing. In severe cases, you can also damage the articular disc, which is irreparable. It can lead to your jaw unexpectedly locking, closing or opening, etc., wearing a night guard prevents the disorder because it eases any tension you can cause on the muscles.

  • Prevent Headaches:

    Chronic headaches and neck aches are the primary symptoms of bruxism. The tensed muscles in the jaw, shoulders, mouth and neck cause headaches. A custom-made night guard eliminates chronic headaches because you no longer put pressure on your muscles.