The term physical therapy is not that strange today. It is one of the most sought-after treatments for those engaging in competitive sports such as basketball, soccer, cricket, tennis, etc. APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) highly recommends sports injury rehabilitation through various therapeutic procedures. In addition, they highly advise alternative therapeutic interventions compared to painkillers, especially for sport-related pain. That’s why physical therapy massage tools are becoming a staple in DIY physiotherapy or sessions with professional therapists.

What are physical therapy massage tools?

These tools help increase the range of motion to loosen and ease strained muscles and pain. You can check out examples from including stretching devices, tennis balls, and resistance bands.

Why should you opt for massage tools?

Most people are finding relief through the use of specific physical therapy massage tools. Check out the following benefits:

An excellent way to improve muscle tone and performance

Physical therapy is an excellent way to increase muscle tone. You will realize that specific contraction can strengthen body muscles through mechanically stimulating reflexes within the muscle. Additionally, physical therapy massaging is one sure way of preventing adhesions or knots from occurring in-between soft tissues (muscle and ligaments) and increasing flexibility. In the end, it helps in preventing further injuries to affected areas.

Increase muscle flexibility

Generally, physical therapists aim to increase or stimulate muscle flexibility to help you attain a full range of motion and balance. Castleflexx stretching device potentiates stretch reflex, which is crucial in maintaining posture. Ultimately it could optimally increase your muscles’ flexibility and relieve muscle tightness. Therefore, using a massage therapy tool is one gateway to wellness.

Physical therapy massage impacts the quality of sleep.

Physical therapy massage focuses on the relaxation of muscles, joints, and bones, leading to a calm mind which lowers stress. This specific therapy decreases cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters that stabilize your mood. We all know that a relaxed body generally sleeps better. Sports injuries are a prime cause of sleeplessness. If you are in a sports injury rehabilitation program using physical therapy massage tools can promote relaxation and may be what you need to sleep a little bit better.

Recovery from Injury

Physical therapy massaging focuses on increasing muscle blood flow by dilating the blood vessels; in the end, it enhances oxygenation and a fresh supply of nutrients to the injured tissue causing a reduction in inflammation. One clear benefit of physical therapy is a quick step-by-step recovery from injury since it plays a significant role in the realignment of scar tissue.

Reduction of muscle, joint, or bone pain

A massage therapy tool plays a significant role in pain modulation as it reaches the deeper layers of the muscle tissue. Massaging allows desensitization of the surrounding area to reach the target areas of your sore muscles. Furthermore, the ability to increase blood flow to the muscle tissue aids in clearing lactic acid and other waste products from building in the muscle. Consequently, it helps in alleviating pain.

Reduction of muscle fatigue

Working out or engaging in physical exercises with muscle or joint injuries causes fatigue. Physical therapy is what you need to restore productivity in physical activities. Try out physical therapy massage tools to promote nerve and muscle relaxation and achieve calmness. Focus on injured muscles to ease tension and fatigue. It is undoubtedly a way to combat exhaustion and tiredness.

With physical therapy growing in popularity, many therapists and orthopedists recommend it. A massage therapy tool can improve your muscle range of motion, promote recovery, ease pain, and improve physical and mental performance. Anyone with an active lifestyle ought to give it a try. Indeed, it is a window to stay healthy and active!