Today they have grown a lot; Young people know much better how to deal with this area than you and I do; and knows how to watch their favorite teams and games for free on the internet.
Are there different types of viewers that can share different platforms? Young people do not have the money to pay for television; Adults are not used to watching sports on social media. When it comes to TV rights, who do you think has the most market share?
Young people do not want to pay, but they are very fanatical.
Adults, like my generation, tend to pay to watch sports on TV, but clearly the “Pay x View” business is in jeopardy because it has to gradually adapt to the age of its consumers. … … Paying young people to watch sports is a big challenge. Sure, the Premier League, but personally I would not invest because it is too expensive.
Who controls the content?
Nowadays, when we talk about how games are transmitted, links dominate the content. In the past, the situation was different: the links sold the rights and the television stations that bought them were responsible for the production, but this is no longer the case. Now the links want to produce their own images so that they have full control over what the public has achieved. As a Televise, if you want to broadcast the UEFA Champions League, Europa League, European Championship or qualifying round, you have to sign a contract of more than 50 pages stating what you can and cannot do. . be shown. … …
Sports journalism, television and television rights
Since the Berlin Olympics in 1936, there has been a change in the European landscape with a growing interest in 스포츠중계 events. The advent of television has changed the industry and the experience of information consumption has become immense, as Vega (2013) believes: For the first time, what happened on the playground could be seen by millions of people worldwide. Everything happens at the same time (Vega, 2013, p. 74).
On the development of television in sports journalism
Milestones such as the 1954 BBC World Cup broadcast or 1954 annual Wimbledon competition in the sound of new technological advances would also be the birth of new studio competitions and the creation of new television channels. In the 1980s, the American company Classic Sport News was founded, which was entirely dedicated to audiovisual sports content. Then came other diversification channels where the sport also had a place, such as the ESPN channel, Sky, and its own Sky Sports, or EuroSport, in addition to FOX, ABC or CBS; in Spain would be born autonomous television, followed by Canal Plus (already in France), Antena 3 and Telecinco The Spanish context Spanish will no longer see the moving image of a sporting event on television to El NO-DO. Project summaries with the best players and the most interesting aspects of league matches. Almost ten years later, in 1954, the championship between Real Madrid and Racing de Santander was broadcast and in 1957, TVE had already broadcast several matches live. In recent years, TVE and Eurovision links have started to be used to broadcast international matches.
Live satellite comes with the 1966 World Cup
In England in the Davis Cup final between Australia and Spain in the late 1960s and early 1970s, new sports-themed television programs began to be broadcast. Managua (2006) commented that it is claimed that in the 11th league match between Real Madrid and Racing de Santander was broadcast and in 1957 TVE had already broadcast several matches live. In recent years, TVE and Eurovision links have started to be used to broadcast international matches. Live satellite would arrive with the 1966 World Cup in England and the Davis Cup final between Australia and Spain in the late 1960s and early 1970s; new sports-themed television programs began to be broadcast. Managua (2006) commented that it was the challenge in the 11th league match between Real Madrid and Racing de