Ovik Mkrtchyan: “Ecological farming is not a trend dictated by time, but a vital necessity.”

Importance of ecological farming

Viable soil is an exhaustible resource that is capable of recovery, but, unfortunately, at a very slow pace. Construction work in new areas, an increasing rate of ​​deforestation, and a constant flow of household garbage and harmful industrial waste does have a detrimental effect on the condition of the soil, but modern agricultural practises are the most damaging.

“It’s a wrong approach to agriculture, when high field yields are put at the forefront at all environmental costs, that includes the use of pesticides, growth hormones and artificial fertilisers. Such practises lead to the destruction of the fertile soil layer, which may take decades to recover,” remarks Ovik Mkrtchyan, co-founder of SIA EGG ENERGY.

Residents of our cities and urban areas seriously think about the quality of food they eat. Each of us wants to choose the best for our family, so we prefer environmentally-friendly products. In countries with developed economies, the label “organic” is not a marketing ploy, but a guarantee of its natural origins, confirmed by the European certification system.

That is why environmental farming or organic agriculture today is the only possible method of growing crops, solving a number of global problems related to the environment, as well as allowing millions of people around the world to take care of the main component of a happy life — healthy eating.

SIA EGG ENERGY as an example of ecological farming

Driven by the principles of creating a completely safe production — which was supposed not to harm the environment but also be beneficial — entrepreneurs Ovik Mkrtchyan and Mkhitar Mkhitaryan established SIA EGG ENERGY. Its goal is to utilise poultry manure from the largest poultry enterprise in Northern Europe and process it into biogas for domestic and global needs. At the same time, waste from biogas production is used to create highly-efficient fertilisers used in organic agriculture.

Biogas production solves the problem of methane and nitrous oxide pollution into the atmosphere, and waste, which would otherwise pose a significant environmental hazard. Instead, it is processed into a high-quality organic plant fertiliser called ORGANIQ.

Ovik Mkrtchyan on the benefits of ORGANIQ

“Our fertiliser increases soil fertility and has a positive effect on its structure. Organic substances stimulate the microbiological activity of the fertile layer of the earth, contributing to a more complete assimilation of nutrients,” says Ovik Mkrtchyan.

ORGANIQ supplies plants with the necessary nutrients, stimulates the development of the root system and promotes the vegetative development of crops, therefore the manufacturer recommends the widespread use of the fertiliser for all types of cultivated plants.

Among the main advantages of the compound is a neutral pH, high content of organic substances, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium and calcium, as well as the most important microelements for cultivated plants: B, Mn, Mo, Cu and Zn.

“The main parameter of the fertiliser produced by SIA EGG ENERGY is full compliance within the requirements of ecological farming, the most important aspect of the 21st century,” adds Ovik Mkrtchyan.

It’s not a secret to anyone that nature can do without man, while we could not exist without it. That is why our main task is to conserve and maintain resources in all possible ways, importantly one of which is organic farming.