According to a new survey, nearly half of us speed overtake on rural and urban highways. But are we making informed decisions about when it’s safe to pass? Overtaking may not be the most common cause of road accidents, but it is unquestionably one of the most dangerous. Overtaking in the no-overtaking zone is a reason most of the accidents in the recent years.
The following are some of the dangers of overtaking on the road:
Car that has been damaged
Overtaking on the road can result in a car accident. This can result in damage to one’s car or both parties’ cars. This may result in additional charges that were not anticipated. It’s probable that most drivers don’t know how to overtake properly, necessitating a greater understanding of overtaking dangers and how to mitigate them.
Overtaking on the road can have a negative impact on the driver’s or an individual’s health. This is since when the vehicle is highly laden with passengers and luggage, the chance of driver error increases. Overtaking is a serious decision that should not be handled lightly. The decision to overtake is a serious one, and the faster the traffic, the more serious the decision.
A waste of time
A minor crush might waste time, especially if you’re in a rush to go to a meeting or activity. Overtaking is generally safe, however, to save a life, the patient is required. The road may be affected as well, which could result in a cost to the government.
Overtaking on the road should be minimized to prolong lives.