Master Casting & Cad was founded in Chicago and for years, we have been in the business of diamond jewelry. As a third generation jeweler, we have been in the jewelry business for over 20 years. It wasn’t long before when we diversified into customized stones and selling into the jewellery trade. For decades, we’ve earned our customers’ trust by dedicating ourselves to unrivalled knowledge, service, honesty and respect. We are one of the few jewellers in Chicago who manufacture engagement rings, wedding rings, diamond earrings, pendants and all of its diamond and gemstone jewellery in-house, from start to finish.

Product & Services:

Custom Made Jewelry


Clean Scrap Service

Cad Printing And Design Diamonds & Gemstones Repair Services CAD PRINTING SERVICES AND DESIGN 3D Printing Molds Stone Setting CAD CAM Line Developing