Link building is the process of increasing your site’s worth by providing more links to your site from other sources or from other sites. More the links you provide to your site, more the value it gets in browser. The links you get from other sites are called backlinks. These backlinks can be generated by guest blogging, forums, blogs and articles posting.
URL Opener has brought easiness in the field of SEO. It opens bulk quantity of URLs instantly saving the time that is wasted in opening links individually. It enhances the speed and helps in providing results before the expected time. A creative expert finds such kinds of sources that help to perform work in short time.
How to provide backlinks to your site?
SEO specialists recommend writers to write content relevant to their site and adjust popular keywords in that content. Specialists share this content on different sites to generate backlinks for your site. Make sure that your backlinks are generated from the most reliable and high authority sites. If you provide uncountable links to your site from sites that are fake or are not worthy, it will not add any value to your site and as a result its ranking will not improve.
Generate quality backlinks:
Always try to link your site with those sites that have high authority. These backlinks help you rank easily. Not linking with the reliable site does not benefit you so, don’t waste your precious time in linking with the fake sites. Here are the types of links that you can generate:
1. No follow and do follow links:
Do follow are the backlinks that inform Google to count and rank them and No follow are the links that tell Google not to rank or count them. Both of these links are very important because if you provide only do follow links to your site, Google will consider it spam. Avoid spam activities and perform white hat SEO. Avoid black hat SEO that is not legal and that may spoil your whole work.
2. Natural links:
These are high quality links and are called natural links as your people recommend your content to others due to its quality and relevancy. Generate quality content and keep people engaging with your post if you want to have organic traffic. When people refer your site, they mean to say that your site has useful content for the readers and it may help the users. Try to post useful content that should satisfy customers.
3. Links from users:
Users may also generate backlinks for your site. It is when you satisfy your customers and they put a review or comment on your site. It proves to be useful for you as you are making your customers happy. Google likes it and ranks your site by considering comments as backlinks for your site.
In short, I want to mention that you can rank your site by hard work and by technical and analytical skills. Do not perform black hat SEO as it puts your penalty.