ISO 41001:2018 Facility Management System

1. Should we pursue ISO 41001?

With my ISO hat on, I would say absolutely yes, as it’s the right thing to do for an FM organization. Without my ISO hat on, I would say, absolutely yes, if you plan it properly and develop a SMART Facility Management System (FMS). What is the difference I hear you ask? The difference is significant. Pre-ISO 41001 when organizations adopted what is possibly ISO 41001’s closest cousin in ISO 9001 supplemented by ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 (now ISO 45001) for Health & Safety, the system; was cumbersome, involving several MSS and was never a perfect fit for FM services. ISO 41001 has been developed specifically for the FM sector and is therefore our very own tailored FMS. Part of the problem we face today is the same problem that was being muted in 2019 — it’s a chicken and egg situation! The legacy ISO MSSs still exist and therefore the interest in adopting ISO 41001 has not manifest as I expected, partly due to the legacy but linked to this is the lack of widespread awareness and appreciation of the standard.

2. What are the certification stages?

There are several preliminary stages to consider in implementing any ISO MSS and ISO 41001 is no different. Ultimately it will be a commitment by the organization in more ways than one, it will be resource intensive and will require senior management commitment.

3. What are the benefits of certification to ISO 41001:2018 and will it deliver value?

There are indeed many benefits to any organization in adopting and becoming certified to an ISO MSS. Research carried out by both British Standards Institution (BSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) identify several business benefits for every organization.