The ballroom dance style is an elegant and poised dance form that requires a lot of training and practice to master. Therefore, dancing in such a form requires confidence while performing, and the level of confidence required is inspired by the costumes dancers wear.

The costumes of dancers will not only help them dance with confidence and give the best performance, but the proper dance costume will also allow free moment of the body without any type of wardrobe constrictions. However, in ballroom dancing, because the dancing is different from other dance forms, it requires a dance costume designed especially for it.

There are many types of costumes for ballroom dancing, which includes different types of costumes for males and females. Choosing the right ballroom dance attire can get a little tricky, and it gets more difficult if you buy the wrong costume for your ballroom dance performance. Things like technique, precision, body movement visibility, and your ability to grip the floor, can all be negatively impacted if you wear the wrong costume. Those reasons alone are why it’s crucial for a ballroom dancer to know the considerations in choosing the right ballroom dance costume.

Important Considerations to Think About When Choosing Your Ballroom Dance Costume 

  • Comfort Level

The most important and basic thing to consider while buying a ballroom dance costume is to try it on and make sure it feels comfortable. When in a dressing room, even if it is smaller in space, you can try some quick steps to check the flexibility of the costume while wearing it; This will allow you to determine how comfortable you feel in the garment after a few minutes of wearing it.

All too often, many will get taken away by the beauty of the costume without considering if it’s actually comfortable and easy to move in. So, to perform at a top tier level, it’s important to take time to determine your level of comfort in the ballroom dance costume that you are planning to perform in.

  • Uniqueness/Versatility 

In the world of ballroom dancing, who doesn’t want to stand out? All dancers want to present themselves differently and stay in the minds of their audience and judges, if competing. The same thing must be applied when choosing ballroom dance attire. Ideally, you want to find a vendor that sells unique pieces that truly speak to you; Tap into your own creativity!

  • Budget-Friendly 

There is always a budget for anyone when shopping, and shopping for ballroom dancing costumes is no exception. The budget can vary from person to person, but no matter what your price point is, you want to ensure the product quality is high, yet still affordable. You can check with quality vendors to see if they have specials going on too!

  • The Right Fit 

Ensuring you have the right fit of costume is important for all dancers, as it impacts their flexibility and ease of movement when dancing. Many will give themselves around a half inch of wiggle room in case any weight gain but there will always be a bit of alterations before any performance to ensure the costume fits perfectly, if it’s needed. But, ultimately, you want to get your costume fitted and measured perfectly to your body structure.

  • Dress to Your Dancing Style and Personality 

Dressing to your dancing style and personality are important points as well. We often consider a costume that we like without taking into consideration how our dance style and personality fits with the costume. If you’re a dancer who is more expressive in dance, you, of course want to wear a costume that can withstand the type of movement you do but also can feel confident in as well. Maybe the costume that fits your dancing style and matches your personality is one with lot of sparkle and glitter. Then again, maybe it’s a garment that is very simplistic in design and style.

The last thing you want is for your dance to get lost in the costume itself. Maybe you’re performing a dance that requires crisp moves; You don’t want to wear a costume where the precision of your moves can get hidden in the costume; you want a dance costume that highlights precision. Hence, you want to make sure your personality, your dancing style, and your ballroom dance costume are on the same page.

Enjoy It 

Loving what you wear while loving the art of dance is a major part of putting on an impeccable performance. All the efforts that are required when choosing a ballroom dance costume wouldn’t be worth it if you are not able to wear and enjoy the garment you so carefully chose; everything would be in vain. Therefore, take the time to choose the perfect costume for you, that way you can enjoy wearing it while performing; It will definitely boost your confidence and overall performance!
Gone are the days when ballroom dance costumes looked the same, fit the same, and had no personality. Today, you can choose a costume that is best fitted for you based on style, personality, budget, uniqueness, and flexibility! You can now rock the dance floor with confident moves and expression! Understand, ballroom dancing is an experience, and wearing the best ballroom dance costume that fits you is part of that grand experience.

If you’re struggling to find dance costumes that “fit” you, Dance America has the costume solutions you’re looking for. Contact Dance America for all your ballroom dance attire solutions.