This is an important fact: there is no way to get COVID-19 from applying the vaccine. None of the licensed COVID-19 vaccines in the US contain the live virus that causes the disease. That is to say that the vaccine against COVID 19 cannot transmit the disease.
The COVID-19 vaccine is the best option available to end the pandemic. However, there is diverse and contradictory information about the vaccine that causes doubts and confusion in the population, so it is important to know the real data. Specialist in medicine at Boston Medical Center and shares some of the most common myths about COVID-19 vaccines, as well as important facts.
FACT: You cannot get COVID-19 from getting the vaccine.
This is an important fact: there is no way to get COVID 19 from applying the vaccine. None of the licensed COVID-19 vaccines in the US contain the live virus that causes the disease. That is to say that the vaccine against COVID 19 cannot transmit the disease.
FACT: COVID-19 vaccines DO NOT modify DNA.
The COVID-19 vaccines do not interact with a person’s DNA in any way, nor do they change it. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are messenger RNA vaccines and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a viral vector vaccine.
Both types of vaccines transmit instructions (genetic material) to our cells so that they begin to generate defenses against the virus that causes COVID 19. These vaccines work just like the others and help the body create an immune response that protects against infections. serious. The genetic material never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is the site where the DNA is found.
FACT: Vaccines against COVID-19 protect you against common or serious illnesses and can even protect the people around you.
Vaccines against COVID-19 offer considerable protection against serious diseases, including those caused by the delta variant and other variants. However, it is possible that there may be cases of infection in vaccinated people because no vaccine is 100% effective.
However, if you are fully vaccinated, you are much less likely to catch it and therefore much less likely to pass the virus on to others. If you are fully vaccinated but still get it, your chances of severe illness, hospitalization, or death are much lower. Hospitalization rates are 9 to 15 times higher in unvaccinated people compared to vaccinated adults.
Read more Information about COVID-19
FACT: Being an international priority, vaccines against COVID-19 were developed quickly.
Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, the development of these vaccines has become an international priority. As a result, billions of dollars were poured into international funding and collaboration, to ensure safety while, at the same time, moving forward urgently to save lives.
For the development of vaccines against COVID-19, there was a large investment from both private companies and government agencies, in order to advance the process safely and quickly. Scientists have been studying coronaviruses and vaccines for years.
That research was used to quickly create safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines. The federal government prioritized the review and approval processes. The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson studies followed all review and safety protocols for vaccines.
FACT: The COVID 19 vaccine does not affect fertility.
There is no evidence that vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, cause infertility in men or women. Studies of women undergoing IVF treatment showed no difference in pregnancy rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. In addition, vaccination protects both mother and baby against the virus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommends that pregnant women get vaccinated. So far, more than 22,000 pregnant women have been hospitalized for COVID-19, and pregnant women with COVID-19 are at higher risk of problems during pregnancy, such as premature labor or stillbirth, or the newborn having a serious infection. by COVID.
FACT: You should get vaccinated even if you have already had COVID 19.
People who have already had COVID-19 should also be vaccinated. COVID 19 poses a serious health risk, and it is possible to be infected with the virus more than once. Although this is a rare case, if you are already vaccinated but get infected, you are less likely to die or be hospitalized.
FACT: Some people may have mild or moderate short-term side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine.
Some people have mild or moderate reactions that go away without any complications. These reactions may include pain, redness, and swelling in the arm where the injection was given, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea.
These symptoms are normal after vaccination and indicate that the person’s immune system is responding to the virus to offer protection in the future. Unlike the symptoms of COVID-19, which can be severe and last for a few weeks, these symptoms should go away within a day or two and can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers.
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