In today’s fast-paced world, people are always on the go, rarely understanding the importance of a wholesome diet. With the ever-evolving break-neck competition, focusing on the food on one’s plate has quite obviously taken a backseat. Even though our conversations around the dinner table and a cocktail party certainly boil down to ways to “lose weight” and “shred some extra kilos,” the importance of having a balanced and healthy diet is rarely discussed. Our tied-up schedules, early mornings, late-night party plans, deadlines, and presentations have led to us undermining the importance of healthy food and the importance of a healthy breakfast. Let us understand why a nutritious and balanced diet is integral for our health. 

Regulates metabolism-

The new-found love of starving your body is extremely harmful in innumerable ways. Starvation rips your body off essential calories and nutrients, reducing your metabolism. Not just physical, but starvation can deteriorate your mental health also. It is crucial to understand that starving is not sustainable for your body in the long run. Instead, investing in a holistic and balanced breakfast can benefit your body. 

Boosts your energy-

The key to maintaining a healthy body is  to avoid overeating and consume healthy snacks promptly. We must understand the importance of healthy snacks as it is a super-effective way of losing that extra fat. Consuming mini-meals every now and then will keep your metabolism soaring and eliminate binge-eating. Ideally, your snacks should be nutrient-rich carbohydrates like jowar pancakes, bajra roti, ragi, dosa, etc. Millé is a one-stop destination to get your hands on vegan-friendly and chemical-free millets, which will not only keep you healthier but also full for a longer period of time. 

Balance your daily diet-

A balanced diet does not imply punishing your taste buds with tasteless and bland food. That would never work and will push you towards unhealthy  binge eating. When we talk about a balanced diet, it implies having a holistic, protein-rich meal plan on your table. Having a good mix of vegetables, dairy and cereal grains is just what you need for a balanced diet. Do not miss out on making sure you stay hydrated. Consuming water regularly is a must to help your body function better. 

For better immunity:

It’s no secret that the food we consume is directly related to our immune system. When we fail our bodies with essential nutrients and minerals, the immune system’s health naturally declines. Another worst emotion that we often deal with, thanks to this ever evolving fast-paced world, is ‘stress’. Higher the stress level, the lesser is the immune system’s ability to fight antigens. The holistic benefits of a healthy breakfast are innumerable. Choose Classic Millet Pancake or Blueberry Millet Pancake available at Millé for a delicious and quick breakfast today itself. 

For a healthy heart:

What we feed to our body is directly related to the health of our heart. With the increasing rise in lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, it is paramount to understand the importance of high-protein, plant-based, and low-calorie food. Nutrient-rich whole grains can be effective in fighting away modern-day heart troubles. Fiber-rich food and a gluten-free diet must protect the heart against significant diseases. It is important to choose vegan-friendly, preservative and chemical -free millets that are ideal for a healthy heart. Stock up your kitchen shelf with the 100% whole grain millets, available at Millé