If you’re running a business, it’s important to make sure that you’re doing everything in your power to optimize your website for search engines. After all, the vast majority of people find websites through Google and other search engines. If you’re not doing SEO, professional SEO services Brisbane says, you’re missing out on a lot of potential traffic! In this blog post, we’ll discuss some signs that SEO is working for you. Keep an eye out for these indicators, and if you see them happening, it means that your SEO efforts are paying off!
Your Traffic is Growing
You can measure the success of your SEO efforts by looking at how your traffic is growing. The easiest way to do this is by using Google Analytics, which will show you a graph showing how much new traffic has come into your site over time and how many visitors are currently on it.
If you’ve been doing good work with SEO, then you should see that as more time passes (and as more people learn about what you’re doing), there will be more new visitors coming in from search engines like Google and Yahoo! Search Marketing. This means that when someone Googles “SEO” or searches for keywords related to your business or industry/niche, those results might show up first rather than a second or third place; this indicates that people are finding them relevant enough for their needs!
Your Website’s Pages Are Ranking in the Top 10 Search Results
If you’ve been following our advice, it’s likely that your website is ranking well in search results. But what if you want to know for sure? Well, there are a few ways to check whether or not your site is getting pinned at the top of Google and other major search engines.
You could go straight to Google Webmaster Tools and look under “Search Traffic” or “Search Analytics” tabs. If these numbers show that traffic is increasing over time then chances are good that SEO efforts are working for you!
Another option would be using Google Trends to see where people are searching for keywords related to yours (or any other keyword). If this shows up frequently across various regions around the world then there’s no doubt about it – people really care about what they’re looking at on these pages; so don’t stop doing what needs improving!
You’re Consistently Publishing High-Quality Content
The best way to tell if your SEO is working is by checking the quality of your content. You can’t control what people are searching for, but you can control what they see when they find your website. If you want them to keep coming back, then make sure that everything on your site is high-quality and relevant.
One way to measure the quality of your content is by looking at how many backlinks point towards it (for example, if someone links from another site). This will give an indication as to whether or not there’s something wrong with the way it was written or structured.
There are plenty more ways that we could go about measuring the “quality” of our articles—but this should give a pretty clear picture as far as where things stand right now!
You’re Using the Analytics Tools Provided by Google and Facebook
Analytics tools are a great way to keep track of your website’s performance. They allow you to see how many people visit your site and where they come from, which can help you understand what content is most popular with visitors.
These tools also provide insight into how long people spend on each page, which helps determine whether or not there’s room for improvement in areas like landing pages or blog posts. You can use this information to make changes such as adding more enticing call-to-action buttons or adding more relevant images that encourage readership longer than one page.
But it’s important not just focus on the numbers here—you should look at how often someone clicks through from Facebook or Google but then doesn’t convert into an actual sale (or even sign up). For example, if someone signs up for an email list but then never checks back in again within six months of joining it may mean something went wrong somewhere along their path towards purchasing something from you!
Your Bounce Rate Has Decreased Dramatically
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after visiting it for only one second. If you’re serious about growing your business, you can’t afford to have a high bounce rate—and in fact, if your bounce rate exceeds 20%, it’s likely that something may have gone wrong with SEO efforts.
A high bounce rate could mean:
- There are too many ads on the page (or they’re distracting)
- The content is poor and doesn’t offer anything unique or useful to readers looking for what they need right now (if so, consider adding more relevant keywords into titles and descriptions)
- The website has been out of date for too long (you should always keep things up-to-date)
Your Website Loads Quickly After Clicking on a Link from a Search Engine Page Result
If you’re not already familiar, search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website so that it ranks higher in search results and users can find it more easily. In addition to being an important part of Google’s algorithm for ranking pages, SEO also has an impact on user experience. As we mentioned earlier, speed matters—so do user experience! Well, professional seo services always guide us about a well-optimized site will have faster load times than one that isn’t optimized at all or by only having a few pages on the home page where everything happens fast and easy. This means providing visitors with content they want quickly so they can get back online quickly themselves–then hopefully come back again tomorrow morning!
Your Keywords are Being Searched on Google
If you see your keywords in the search results, it means that they are being searched on Google. The more that people are searching for a keyword or phrase, the better chance you have at getting them to click on one of your pages and hopefully buy something from you.
If this isn’t happening for some reason, then there’s something wrong with how SEO is working for you. If this happens regularly but not every time someone searches for what they want on Google then there could be an issue with how well quality backlinks are being created (see below).
At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of factors that go into how well your website is ranking in search results and how much traffic it gets. You can’t control these things—but you can control what kind of content you post on your site, and how often you post new content. So take some time to analyze your own data from Google Analytics and Facebook Insights, then use that information to make informed decisions on what kind of changes may need to happen next!