To get to the career destination of our dreams, we take entrance exams. We skim the syllabus and the various sections of the paper before we begin studying for any entrance exam. In our efforts to excel in the Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Language sections, we frequently overlook General Awareness, one of the most highly rated sections. You will find advice on how to study for general knowledge entrance exams in this article.
Keep up with current events and GK topics if you plan to apply to top colleges in the nation or take an exam for a government job. A quarter of every exam’s paper will consist of GK-based questions.
In order to help students achieve higher scores in less time and perform well in group discussions and interviews, there is an increased emphasis on general knowledge topics and questions.
Before we get to the general knowledge study tips for entrance exams, let’s look at the range of topics covered under this heading.
The important topics covered under GK are:
Geographical Location
World and Indian Geography
International Organizations in Indian and World History
Daily Science Honors and Awards
Economy of India
Indian Politics and the Constitution Current Events
Current Events
Other General Knowledge
Check out the following helpful advice for studying general knowledge for competitive or entrance exams:
Everyone advises studying general knowledge by reading newspapers, listening to AIR news, and watching GD interviews. Here, we’ll explain the process to you.
Reading Habit:
It is recommended to follow 2 to 3 newspapers daily.
Reading newspapers daily will boost your GK quiz learning. It is sage to keep a sharp eye out for what is going on around you and to stay informed. A few old newspapers from the last two weeks with editorials will do.
It means that you should read two to three newspapers, one of which should be in your mother tongue or a local language and the other two should be in English. The Hindu, Economic Times, and The Telegraph are among the top newspapers to study general knowledge. It will also be beneficial to read publications like “India Today” and “The Chronicles.”
Watch news channels:
Watching TV for leisurely purposes does not improve your general knowledge; daily news channel viewing does. Choose your preferred news reader and an appropriate time for yourself to prepare for entrance exams. Create a schedule of the best news channels and episodes and watch them frequently. View breaking news and headlines.
You might find these intriguing programs helpful in your GK and GD preparation:
BBC News, Al Jazeera, NDTV, and other Indian and international private news channels all have prime-time shows with feature programs.
Sessions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are broadcast on Doordarshan, RSTV, and LSTV.
KBC quiz program.
Create study notes. General Knowledge: Writing is the best method for preparing for current events and GK. It’s always a good idea to keep a journal in your own handwriting and words.
Record everything that occurs worldwide in writing
Since memorizing everything is impossible for anyone, write down what stands out to you as important. Write brief notes, 1-2 liners, and blanks on anything that strikes you as important from the standpoint of the exam.
Maintaining a diary or journal can help you learn new information more quickly.
Use the internet to study general knowledge: The internet is a good resource for general knowledge preparation for entrance exams. The best online educators are Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia.
Follow the websites for competitive exams that provide free registration and access to monthly PDFs for GK and current affairs preparation.
Follow the GD forum, the online version of these newspapers, if you don’t have time to read them every day. In these forums, interesting discussion on the most recent current events topics occurs.
Follow online GK and current affairs groups on Twitter and Facebook. These may assist you with current information, pertinent queries, and preparation techniques. Practice GK and current affairs online practice tests as well.
Online tests are offered by educational websites. It serves as a parameter to assess your development and gauge your level of performance. One-liners and quizzes on a variety of subjects can help you feel more optimistic and self-assured. It provides reassurance that you are adequately prepared.
To summarise, the distinction between applicants who are chosen and those who are not is that the former pays attention to what the latter misses. You can succeed in any competitive exam with an effective strategy and a strong presence of mind.
Read: Important 5 tips to improve your GK at yourself
Happy Reading!