Using an electrical transmission, fluid sensors, a type of flow transmitter, are able to measure the flow of a substance. Given the place of production, many factors inform how to choose such tools best. When the proper fluid level sensor is chosen, accurate readings are generated, facilitating industrial function.

Nature of the Fluid

Determining the correct fluid level sensor for a situation calls for an examination of the properties of the fluid. In order to monitor, measure, and manage the flow, it is essential to take this into account. The phase state, whether liquid or gas, is the first factor. Then density, which impacts pressure, must be determined. Next, the viscosity must be looked at, as this property affects how a fluid flows. Finally, any potential chemical reactions must be noted. Depending on the chemical composition of a given industrial fluid, it could react negatively to certain materials, which can be toxic. 

Methods of Metering

A non-contact flow meter can come in different forms, featuring varying measurement methods. The chosen method must be scrutinized because of its capabilities to control, measure, and monitor. The monitor can vary depending on sensitivity and accuracy. Possibilities include: 

  • Orifice Plates
  • Venturi Tubes
  • Flow Nozzles
  • Pilot Tubes

Orifice plates use the pressure differences when fluid enters and leaves the orifice opening to calculate flow. On the other hand, Venturi tubes use the principle of the Bernoulli effect to perform calculations. This describes the relationship between flow variation and pressure. The Venturi method is known for its effectiveness, as 90% of pressure drops can be stabilized during measurement. Flow nozzles also use the Bernoulli effect to measure pressure but do not perform pressure recovery. Lastly, pairs of pilot tubes with small diameters can be used for measurement. One tube measures the impact of pressure, while the other makes a note of potential differences that can affect flow transmission rate. 

Electronic System

Fluid sensors are electro-mechanical, with the associated circuitry being an important factor. The circuitry provides electronic feedback, the efficiency of which depends on the mechanism of the transmitter that controls and monitors. Determining if the electronics system is sound depends on factors like the voltage, input, analog currents, and pulse signals. 


Strong materials must be used for a non-intrusive flow meter, as industrial settings can be harsh. Temperature changes, crude environments, and changes in pressure are also frequent occurrences. As such, the tolerance to temperature and chemicals and resistance to corrosion must be considered.

We can provide your industrial place of manufacture and business with all necessary non-invasive sensor tools of quality. Contact our experts today to find out more about our ultrasonic technology.