Regardless of whether you have shipped to Amazon before or not, there are some things you should consider before packaging and shipping your product. Below, we will discuss several important items, including avoiding excessively large boxes and cartons, and creating barcodes for your products. These tips will ensure that your shipment goes smoothly and without any issues.
Setting the quantity of your product to ship to amazon
Choosing the right quantity of your product to ship to Amazon FBA is the first step in the fulfillment process. Amazon will distribute your inventory to fulfillment centers based on demand. This is done to optimize shipping speed and storage requirements.
You can choose to create a plan in Seller Central or manually input the SKU. You may also choose to add products to your plan or modify the number of units in a single shipment. You can also change the name of the shipment.
In addition to setting the quantity of your product to ship to Amazon FBA, you can choose from three different fulfillment methods. You can either ship from your own business, use a third-party fulfillment service, or outsource the entire process to Amazon.
Avoid excessively large boxes and cartons
Ensure that you ship your products to Amazon FBA in the lightest manner possible. Excessively large boxes and cartons may be rejected by Amazon fulfillment centers. Fortunately, you can easily fix this problem by making a few changes to your shipping plan.
First, you should measure the dimensions of your packaging. You should not exceed the standard box dimensions of 25 inches wide and 50 pounds in weight.
Next, you should print a full set of labels. These must be in black-and-white on non-reflective paper. They should be approximately 1×2 to 2×3 inches in size. The label must include the product’s name, title, and FBA Box ID.
You should also print the Amazon barcode on your packaging. The barcode must be printed on a removable adhesive and be on a non-reflective label. You should use a thermal printer for this.
Creating barcodes
Creating barcodes to package and ship your product to Amazon FBA can be a time-consuming process. However, there are ways to make the process easier.
First, create a new listing for your products. Fill in all the required fields. After submitting the listing, Amazon will give you a new SKU. This new SKU is the one that will be used by Amazon to identify your products. It is unique to Amazon and not to you. If you wish to change this SKU, you must remove the previous SKU from the list and add the new SKU.
Next, you can choose to print barcode labels. Using a label printer can make this process faster and easier. The label should be placed on the outside of the outer packaging. This allows for scanning without having to remove the packaging.
Changing a shipment name
Changing a shipment name to ship your product to Amazon FBA is a necessary step if you are going to get your product approved for shipping. There are specific rules and requirements for sending your products to the FBA warehouse service, and you will want to make sure you comply. You may lose your shipping privileges, and you can even be charged a hefty fee for non-compliance.
You can use the FBA label service to print a barcode for your product. You can also use your own barcodes, but you will have to factor in the cost to Amazon.
Using a barcode can be confusing at first, but it’s important. Having your product’s unique barcode printed on the packaging will help streamline the check-in process and prevent customer returns.
Amazon’s partnered carriers
Creating a shipping plan for your product can seem overwhelming at first. But, with the right preparation, it can be easy. Amazon allows you to choose from a wide variety of shipping methods. For example, you can ship your product to a staging warehouse, send it to an FBA warehouse, or even directly to Amazon.
Once you have chosen your packaging method, you’ll need to provide Amazon with a shipment ID and weight. Then, you can print the appropriate carrier labels.
If you’re sending your product via air or sea, you’ll need to use a carrier that knows how to work with Amazon. For example, you can ship your products to UPS or FedEx, which are both Amazon-preferred carriers. Using a carrier that understands the process can reduce your anxiety.