If you are intrigued to spend your weekend in a brothel to get refreshed and have a great experience, we will always suggest you to opt for an exclusive brothel. Unlike the other brothels, or street prostitution, exclusive brothels are very much hygienic. They also have certain features that lacks in other types of prostitution.

Why we are emphasizing on exclusive brothel is that because the sex workers of such legal brothels have a choice to say no to any of the clients. Therefore, it maintains a healthy and happy atmosphere. And the best part is, they all are tested negative to all the sexually transmitted diseases.

Before you directly go to the exclusive brothel, you need to follow these below mentioned points because there are some ground rules.

Do Research

Mostly the rules and services of the brothels are quite same. However, some exclusive brothels may have some added services or rules only to add to your enjoyment and comfort and provide their employees a safer environment. Therefore, before you opt for their services, do some research on their website and know about it all. It will help you with your time in there.

They Maintain The Confidentiality

Confidentiality is one of the greatest features of the exclusive brothel. What happens in the brothel, never goes out. No one ever get to know about it. All the staffs are bound by the laws of confidentiality. Therefore, your secrets are safe. However, the same amount of privacy will also be expected from the client as well. showing respect towards their privacy is really needed.

Respectful Behaviour

Having a respectful behaviour is all you need. They are sex workers who also needs and deserves respect as much as the client needs it. Therefore, being rude, racist, threatening, or forceful will not be acceped under any circumstances. As soon as you show anything like this or ask the staff to do unacceptable things, or ask them uncomfortable questions, you will be asked to leave immediately.

Inform If This Is The First Time

There always is a first time. Therefore, no need to be ashamed or nervous about it. Rather, you must inform the exclusive brothel about it. As they are aware, they make you understand all the rules and services with extra caution. In fact, they will also inform their staff about it so that they can take extra care about that.

Refusal For Intoxicated People

Following the guidance is very much important. If you are intoxicated, you are not allowed to get the service. However, you must know this when you are researching about the exclusive brothel. It is by the law that they cannot serve to this. So, this may sound as refusal however there is no need be offended because they are bound by the law.

Take Shower

Yes! This one is utterly important before you start the actions. The exclusive brothels have the workers test for the STDs and they maintain proper hygiene as well. in return, this much is asked to the clients that they take shower just prior the service. It only keeps to the enhancement of the enjoyment.


Who does not like tipping? Moreover, the exclusive brothel has staffs whio sometimes make your time extra special and also go to great lengths. So, they would obviously expect some good tip after that.


These are the basics of a finest brothel. Maintain all the rules and have a great time. And always remember to maintain a decent attire and mannerism in the brothel which is expected of every client.