Just like people, all dogs are different and have their own unique personalities. They all have different characteristics, likes and dislikes, and preferences. When it comes to training your dog you have to think in ways that they understand. You have to be very aware of what they like and dislike and do things to encourage or discourage the behavior. That’s why it’s important to know how a dog “whistles.”

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Ever heard of dog whistles? I’m sure that you have. A dog whistle emits sound at frequencies that are higher than the hearing range of human beings – around 20,000Hz. It is designed to project sound above the hearing range of a human being but can be heard above background noise by dogs due to their exceptional hearing. It’s a term that has been used in politics. However, most people don’t realize that this term is commonly used in marketing, as well.

Sound waves can travel at different frequencies and when these sound waves hit an object, it can make them vibrate. This effect can be used to get the attention of a dog as well as different other animals. This blog will discuss the dog whistle frequency, how it’s created and how it works.
Dog whistles generate sound within the frequency range of 23 to 54 kHz, which means that only animals can hear sounds produced by these whistles. However, some dog whistles are adjustable so as to be modulated down into the audible range. Dog whistles are long, cylindrical noisemakers that can produce blasts of different tones. These devices emit a sound audible to dogs but unintelligible to humans and most other creatures.

Owners of dogs often use a dog whistle to train them. … Because dogs listen at a higher frequency than humans, they can hear the whistle clearly. Make sure your pet doesn’t have access to the device while you’re using it and don’t blow too hard!
There is a type of whistle that doesn’t hurt animals when used properly. That’s because dogs have better hearing than humans so they hear higher frequency sounds too. Don’t use the whistle up close to their ears and blow it strong.