You should think about a study set up before the school year starts. The type of person you are, and how you learn best can significantly impact what type of environment is best for you to be studying in. Are you a night owl? Or a morning person? There are various specifics on creating the perfect setting for your studying needs.
Background Noise
Studies have shown that having background noise while studying can increase your learning by up to 10%. Simply having a fan on can create a background noise that acts as a distraction. Also, be mindful of other sounds you hear while studying, such as music and talking. Not only will this distract you but it can also make it harder to focus on your studies.
The No Distraction Zone
This can be anywhere in your home. It is a place where you can lock yourself in and not have to worry about being interrupted by the outside world. It does not mean you should go into your closet or basement for intense studying. Instead, it is a place that is quiet and has few distractions to keep you honest with yourself. If you are having difficulty concentrating, then a change of scenery might be what you need. Therefore, this could mean going to a coffee shop or the library. This is also a great option if you need to study in groups or with other people. In addition, when looking for housing options look for places that target their housing for students. For example, if you are in the area look at Waterloo student housing. Looking for places where a lot of students live will give you a community to study with.
Sitting vs. Standing
Research shows that sitting at a table or on your bed can decrease productivity by as much as 20%. This is because your brain associates studying with being comfortable. If you want to increase productivity and focus, then stand up while studying.
Having bright light in the room is essential for optimal learning. Many experiments have shown that light stimulates cognitive functions, specifically attention and working memory. A great way to ensure there is enough light while studying is to open the blinds or windows. If there aren’t any windows in your room, try buying a few lamps.
Studies have found that having a warm environment can calm your stress level and help you focus. The optimal temperature is between 60 degrees (f) and 75 degrees (f). If your room gets too cold or hot, you can purchase a space heater or an oscillating fan, respectively.
Appropriate Surroundings
What this means is that your study area should reflect your personality and interests. Therefore, this can be accomplished by having things you enjoy around you. Having a favorite poster on the wall or a special figurine on your desk can help boost motivation and focus. Also, taking breaks from studying is crucial in accomplishing long-term goals. It allows for rest periods and gives you a chance to clear your mind after concentrating for a long time.
White, Black, and Dark Colors
All three colors from the International Commission on Illumination(CIE) scale should be present for best visual learning. There are a couple of ways you can create a perfect studying environment. One of them is by using the color wheel at your disposal. Mix different shades of those three colors to create balance. Another way is to use three-dimensional objects in your room. These objects don’t only complement each other, but they also give your room a more modern look and feel.
Storage Space
Having a messy room can make studying difficult. Not only is it hard to find what you are looking for, but it can also be a big distraction. Having clutter around you makes you feel like there’s a lot of work you have to do. A few ways can help you keep clutter off your desk and out of your way. One of them is by adding shelves on the wall to store excess books and documents. Another way is by using trays for storing pens and pencils or the items you don’t use often. These trays can be placed under your desk, so you don’t have to see them while studying.
Conclusively, creating a study environment that is conducive to your learning style and needs can be more than just a fun project, but it can also help you become the best student. The happiest and most successful students are the ones who have a study setup that works for them. A study environment is something you should think about before the school year starts. The type of person you are, and how you learn best can significantly impact what type of environment is best for you to study.