Identifying your goals and setting them for how to check the SEO of your website

  1. It is nearly impossible to prioritize metrics online. It’s like, literally. They just won’t stop. Numbers are useful, but they’ll become the ones who call the shots if you don’t pay attention. Don’t let KPIs be the tail that wags the dog. Determine what your priorities are, how you can measure progress, and what limitations are present in the data. Different sites have different answers to these questions.
    • Automated web page auditing lighthouse

    • Go, Auditor

  2. Without a time frame, goals can become meaningless. It doesn’t have to be the all end all (SEO never stops, after all), but setting a target gives you a target, as well as a chance to reassess what you’re doing. You need to set up a schedule and keep it. You need to track and analyze search data, too. Putting a few minutes aside every week adds up nicely over the course of six months.
  3. The key to targeted SEO is keyword research. You can’t target your audience if you don’t know what keywords you’re hoping to appear for. What are the most popular search terms in your industry? What are your competitors ranking for? What does your website rank well for already? You can track exactly where your pages rank for different keywords with Google Search Console.
    1. Google Trends

    2. Moz Keyword Explorer

    3. Google Keyword Planner

    4. Ahref

    5. Keyword Overview by SEMrush

  4. Sizing Up The Competition The internet is a big place. Chances are, you’re not the only one trying to rank for particular searches. Competition is fierce, and that’s positive. It drives websites to improve. Keep in mind that search engines want to connect searchers with the best results for their queries, so you should analyze rival websites and note what they do well, as well as what you can do better. Being the best means being better than everyone else.
  • Topics by SEO Monitor
  • Ahref Site Explorer


  1. Set ambitious yet achievable goals with your colleagues. SEO is a huge topic that affects all aspects of a website, so it’s a good idea to involve them in setting goals. The implementation of how to check the SEO can be much smoother when everyone is on board. Everyone knows something you don’t.

Meaning Of Environment

  1. Mobile-First

    The most important aspect of SEO is how you organize your content, and the best way to do that is to arrange it well for mobile As a result of this trend, Google went mobile-first in early 2020. The mobile version is what crawlers will look at and index. The web is a mobile-first world now, so fabulous desktop layouts are great, but SEO is no different.

    1. Bulk Mobile Friendly Test by Experts
    2. Resizer by Material Design
    3. Google Mobile-Friendly Test

  1. Google’s Monopoly

    Regardless of whether it’s good or bad, search is currently dominated by one company — Google. Over 90% of mobile searches are handled by Google, and 70% of desktop searches are handled by it. While there are others, as well, such as Bing, Waibu, DuckDuckGo, etc., SEO is centered around Google for now. While ticking their boxes, keep an eye on the larger picture, which isn’t as static as it looks.

How to check on page SEO?

  1. Quality Content

    The truth is, all the SEO in the world won’t help you if the content of a website isn’t Despite the fact that some websites perform well, more and more are being removed with each update as they get worse. What is quality content? There are countless articles on this topic, but here are a few things to aim for — clarity, originality, proper sourcing, well-written, accessibility, and honesty. (Generally) search engines want to provide high-quality results to searchers.

  • What Is Great Content? by Search Engine Journal
  • Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines
  1. Meta Titles And Descriptions

    Every web page should have a meta title and meta description, and the title should tell people and web crawlers alike what the page is about. Eat your sprouts, cross your i’s and dot your t’s, and use descriptive meta titles. The meta description is designed to appeal to browsers. Crawlers don’t look at them. Think of them as little blurbs when that page appears in search results.