When you give money to a charity, often it’s their overall message that makes you choose them over the millions of other organizations asking for your donation. While some of these charities may make their goals clear from the offset, others may have a multi-faceted approach or different goals depending on where they are at in their plan. Congenital heart disease charities, for example, may do much more than just raise awareness or fund research, though these things are important too. Below are five ways congenital heart disease charities help children in their community and beyond.


  1. Train medical professionals

Heart disease can only truly be tackled if there are enough trained medical professionals working in this field. This is especially true when it comes to pediatric heart surgeons. When you donate to a congenital heart disease charity, you may in part be funding the education of a new pediatric cardiologist or surgeon.


  1. Build new facilities

As with the above point, helping those affected by congenital heart disease is only possible if there are enough facilities in place to accommodate those in need. Donations made to a congenital heart defect charity can be used to build facilities specifically for children, who often require specialized equipment that is scare in most hospitals. What’s more, by donating to a congenital heart disease charity in a developing nation, you may be able to help build a hospital or other medical facility that is purpose-built for treating congenital heart issues.


  1. Liaise with policymakers

A congenital heart defect charity may also liaise with government officials and policy makers to help pass laws and bills that provide greater access to treatments such as state-funded facilities, lifesaving drugs and specialist treatments. In addition to raising awareness of the things these patients need with those who can make a difference, these efforts also raise awareness within the community, providing more outreach and garnering more support.


  1. Fund treatments

One of the most vital efforts of any congenital heart disease charity is their ability to fund treatments directly. Treatment of such diseases can include many costly procedures including tests, surgeries, follow ups, prescriptions, rehabilitation and more. Families may not be able to afford these treatments, especially in developing nations that may have limited facilities. By donating to one of these charities, you can help save a child’s life by contributing to the cost of their treatment.


  1. Making connections

When a parent is told that their child requires a serious surgery, it can be a hopeless feeling. Many may fear they have no options available to them, depending on where they live and what their means are. A children’s heart disease charity can connect families in need with organizations that can provide support, whether it is financial, medical, spiritual or psychological. What’s more, by partnering with a charity whose main goal is to make their child better, families will feel less alone and more hopeful. That’s why individuals who donate to these types of charities should be sure to share the organization with others and get the word out about the resources available to those in need.