• With new and improved technology, the sale of old phones has increased. As a result, stores selling second-hand and refurbished products have also experienced a boom in recent years, with some becoming so popular they created their own stores! Find out how cell phones get refurbished here in this blog.

    Why Is A Cell Phone Refurbished?

    The average cell phone is only used for about 12 months before it needs to be refurbished. After a year of use, the phone’s battery may not hold a charge, its casing may start to show wear and tear, or it may no longer work with your carrier. That’s why it’s essential to let your cell phone be refurbished if you’re unhappy with its condition.

    The original manufacturer’s warranty is still valid when a cell phone is refurbished. The refurbisher will test the battery, clean and inspect the casing, replace any necessary parts and batteries, and usually include a new activated accessory such as an earpiece or cover. They might even send you a promotional gift or discount on your next purchase from the refurbisher.

    Who Is Involved In The Refurbishing Process?

    Cell phones are routinely refurbished regardless of the age or condition of the device. Therefore, it is essential to know who is involved in refurbishing a cell phone to understand what factors may affect the quality of the refurbished phone. The prominent players in the refurbishing process are the cell phone manufacturer, the carrier, and the retailer.


    Cell phone manufacturers use several methods to bring a cell phone back to like-new. The most common method is simply cleaning and inspecting the hardware and software. If there are any issues, they may be fixed before selling them to the customer. Cell phone manufacturers also offer warranty repairs, from replacing batteries to fixing hardware or software issues.

    Carrier employees play a significant role in refurbishing cell phones. They are responsible for taking used phones that have been damaged and repairing them so they can be sold as new again. This includes removing water damage caused by accidental spills, fixing broken screens, or aligning antennas. In many cases, carrier employees will also install new software onto phones that have been wiped clean and ready for sale.

    What Are The Steps In The Process?

    Cell phones can be refinished in a variety of ways. The process begins by removing the existing screen and battery. The screen and battery can then be sent to a specialist for cleaning, polishing and restructuring. Next, the phone’s casing is removed, and its internals is examined for damage or cracks. If you find any, they will be fixed before the phone is reassembled. Once the phone is assembled, it is tested for functionality and packaged for shipping.

    Where Do Old Cell Phones Go?

    Cell phones have a long life and can be refurbished for reuse. Many companies refurbish old cell phones and turn them into new ones.

    Some companies will recycle old cell phones by breaking them down into their parts and then selling the parts separately. Other companies will give the cell phone a new look and functionality but recycle the old battery, casing, and other parts. There are many choices when reusing or recycling your old cell phone. In case you are looking for the iPhone 11 for sale refurbished online, OzMobiles is the place for you. So without further ado, visit our website now.