The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have published a new report. This report emphasizes the importance of correctly fitting a mask.

Comfortable masks are crucial, according to experts in public health like Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Front-line workers know that wearing masks for prolonged periods of time can cause discomfort. There are options. These are the top tips from doctors. These tips will allow you to wear your mask comfortably and keep it on throughout the day, if necessary.

Ear savers

Ear protectors can protect your ears from the strain of mask strings. Ear protectors can be a great way for protecting your ears from the string sticking on them.

There are many options for ear protectors. You can also make your own. You can attach headbands with buttons. The loops can be attached to your back with a paperclip or barrette.

Pressure bandages

Many of us have seen photographs of front-line workers wearing masks that have indentions, after long working days. There are many options to combine comfort and protection.

Most commonly, pressure bandages are used to secure tighter masks like N95s. They can also be used for reducing discomfort and prolonged tightness in surgical masks.


Fogging is almost inevitable if you wear glasses. There are affordable ways to reduce fogging. Place facial tissue inside the mask to reduce fogging. This will absorb moisture and reduce fogging. You can also spray your glasses with over-the-counter anti-fog sprays.

You must ensure that there aren’t visible droplets within the adjustment. A metal adjustable nose mask might be an option.

Fitness is very important

Before they can be given out to patients, they will need their N95 masks  fitted by a healthcare professional. Only healthcare professionals can use masks. You can find the right mask. There are many sizes to choose from, so make sure you get the right one.

The mask should be just right for your face. The CDC states that a face mask should cover your nose, mouth, and be secure under your chin.

It should not be too small to make it difficult for you to see your nose and cheeks. The mask should be large enough that you can speak with it on your nose.