Finding one of the best Atlanta Landscaping Companies is important. Several sources are out there hustling for your business. However, simply digging deeper will help you in making the right decision.
Top questions to ask when hiring Atlanta Landscaping Companies –
Is Your Company Licensed And Insured?
This is the basic and crucial question to ask. Make sure a company is fully licensed; otherwise it could present a potential liability issue for you. At the same time, it is essential to check the company’s insurance to cover when it is required. You should insist on certificates of liability.
What Is The Price Of Your Service?
Make sure a company is providing a proposal that details the service to be provided. It should be a fixed price as well. Going with a low price may be risky so always be cautious of these. Usually, the pricing of this service will vary with different factors such as labor, equipment, materials and profit. The price will also vary with different companies.
Thoroughly check the proposal and compare the pricing range according to the services offered. It will help you in choosing the best deal. You need to understand exactly what is included and what is required to achieve your desired outcome. Once you are comfortable with it, sign the contract.
May I Talk To Your Previous Clients For Similar Projects?
Every company claims the best, but it is not. They may vary with company practices and the quality of their work. On the flip side, professional and established companies will give you plenty of testimonials and references from current and past clients without any hesitation. You can also personally contact those references, if possible.
Get the customer’s rating!! Make sure about the level of communication offered by the landscaper. Also, check their reliability and overall quality of work as well as whether the project was finished on time and within your budget or not. A company should have a great reputation too. These are things that you should know prior to hiring a landscaping company.
What Will Be Your Line Of Communication During A Project?
An open line of communication is important for a good relationship with your landscape contractor. A company should also properly communicate to avoid unexpected circumstances. In addition, a professional and reliable landscaping company should report to you the progress of each day’s work and a plan for the next day. It ensures that you are working with a company that believes a transparent dealing. Also, it will reduce the chance of any issue in the future.
Is Your Company Offering Guarantees On Projects?
A company should be responsible for their performance, and plantings or other products they install. It should offer 100% satisfaction for its product.
The Final Thought–
The aforementioned questions are essential to ask Atlanta Landscaping Companies. You will have peace of mind. It saves you time and money in the long run. A skilled and reputable landscaping company can make the right design selections and make your yard look great.
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