Plastic bottles have just about choked the entire planet, and it is on us now to make a change and make that fast. As our oceans and rivers continue to get contaminated with microplastic, as our rain has become unsuitable for drinking since the dawn of life on Earth, and as more and more of us get inflicted with the ills of environmental pollution – it is now more than ever that we need to take a concrete step towards a greener Earth.

It is of utmost importance that we collectively reduce our carbon footprint, and starting with reusable drink bottles would be a great step toward achieving it.

What’s the Harm in Disposable Bottles?

Although convenient, disposable water bottles take up a sizable chunk of all the landfills plaguing our city limits and smaller towns. These pollute the oceans and poison the rivers, and we are already grappling with the results.

What’s more, a whopping amount of oil, water, and other resources go into making these bottles. 

As more and more Western countries come under the effect of reduced water tables, we must consider an alternative to this harmful lifestyle.

What’s the Alternative?

Reusable best drink bottles, like the ones from Rare Waves, offer a range of benefits to the users and also help reduce the load of plastic from mother Earth. 

  1. Reduction in Landfills.

As you learn how to use these bottles, your dependence on using and throwing plastic bottles reduces. This directly impacts the number of new landfills coming up and the old landfills getting bigger and spilling across suburbs.

  1. Protects Animal Habitats.

The reusable metal bottle you chose for the family today also helped put one less bottle in the ocean, where these wreak havoc on the ocean ecosystem. Their natural habitats are close to extinction, and their natural life cycles are too impacted by the harmful chemicals from plastic bottles seeping into their metabolic system.

  1. The Money Matters

At the end of the day, it is a great financial decision to use reusable water bottles  – you save money as a family and can invest that sizable amount in other pursuits. As a business, too, this is profitable as you save hundreds of dollars in manufacturing, sorting, procuring, transferring, segregating, and reusing plastic bottles with a short life span.

So, go get yourself a kick-ass reusable water bottle from Rare Waves and travel in style from now on while being a climate warrior. Make the Earth a greener, safer place to be.