Garage doors play an essential function in the overall appearance of your property. They may improve the curb appeal and make it more distinctive and intriguing. Having a fashionable garage door is essential for making your home stand out, so if you intend to replace yours in 2022, be sure to look at the latest fresh types on the market.


Several current trends will be appealing this year, so we wanted to assist you to learn more about them. Take a look at the list of the top garage door trends for 2022 from the company famous for locksmith in Minneapolis and pick which ones will complement your outside aesthetics.

Top color trends for the garage doors

White Color is always rocking!

White garage doors are classic and can never go wrong since they are always in style. People often choose white paint for its timeless aesthetic since it never goes out of style. The actual strength of this hue, however, lies in its capacity to match. White will compliment any hue or aesthetic that your home’s primary color integrates. It may appear unusual, but garage doors may be painted in a variety of white hues like cream, and alabaster.

Spice up the garage door with multiple colors

Replace your standard garage doors with multicolored garage doors if you want to spice things up and add flair to your property. It will be an excellent chance for you to demonstrate your personality and add a personal touch to your outside. Colorful garage doors in various combinations will be a significant trend in 2022. The correct garage door color will improve the appearance of your home and make it more appealing. So, try out the advice from garage door repair in Minneapolis. You may choose whatever hue you like, including green, blue, red, and even yellow. The options are limitless, so choose whatever appeals to you the most.

Aesthetics from Nature

People would want their homes to seem more earthy and natural in 2022. You may see your neighbors decorating their exteriors with warm tones and darker hues such as green, blue, and grey. Wood and natural-looking designs such as paneling and barn-style will gain precedence over industrial chic in garages. While you may expect to recoup up to 100 percent of the cost of a new garage door, real wood may be out of your price range. Fortunately, metal can be bent to meet any taste or aesthetic without cost. So, whether it raises, rolls, or swings, your garage door may be an eye-catching focal point in your house.

Wooden shades

You don’t want to use a typical paint color? Timeless does not imply simply one of the preceding. Wooden garage doors are and will always be fashionable, which means they will be in 2022. Here are some of the colors and treatments that we provide for wooden garage doors:


  • West Cedar Mahogany
  • Rough sawn
  • Plywood
  • Knotty Cedar
  • Hemlock Smooth


Do you like the look of a wooden garage door but don’t want to spend the money on one? A range of our steel, fiberglass, and vinyl treatments may approximate the appearance of that material! On our doors, Overhead Door provides a range of stained finishes such as Mahogany, Honduran mahogany, Oak, and Red Oak.


Colors that are bold and dark

The era of white and neutral garage doors has passed us by, or should we say garage! Dark, bold hues have entered the discussion. Black garage doors will be a popular design in 2022. Regardless of the design of your property, a black garage door will blend in because of the color.


Sage (and other greens) has been popular in the design world for quite some time. The color sage is an earthy green tone that is ideal for individuals who wish to connect their house to nature. It’s also described as a very exquisite hue that many designers adore since it perfectly combines nature and high-end design.



A good rule of thumb that we, the garage door repair in Minneapolis, follow is to match the color of your garage door to the prevailing color of your house. If you live in a green environment, consider painting your garage door green or white (since white goes with everything)! It’s as easy as that.


Of all, when working with the popular, timeless color palettes of 2022, there is always the opportunity for a bit more imagination. This comes in the shape of trimmings, notably in white—do you see a through-line here?


We’ll keep with our previous example of a house with a primary hue of green for this example. You could complement this with a green door with white trim!