The future of eCommerce is here and it’s all about shopping. The digital revolution has made it easier than ever for consumers to purchase products and services online, but new technologies are poised to change how they shop even more in the future. Some of these developments will help improve buyers’ experiences while others will make life easier for sellers. What exactly does this mean for your company, then? Keep reading to find out:
Mobile Shopping
Mobile shopping is the future. It’s convenient, easy, and fast. It’s private, secure, and personal. And it can be even more social than traditional online shopping!
Mobile and overseas online shopping is growing rapidly; by 2022, it will account for half of all eCommerce sales in the US and worldwide. This growth is partly due to the increasing number of people who own smartphones or tablets: according to one study from Pew Research Centre, 77% of American adults owned a smartphone in 2016 (up from 35% in 2011). Another report found that smartphone ownership among older adults was at least 80%.
Social Selling and Buying
Social selling is the process of connecting with customers, prospects, and influencers through social media. It’s a strategy for establishing connections with prospective clients.
Social selling is part of a larger concept called “social buying” where consumers are using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to research products before they buy them. Social buying can be done from the comfort of your own home, or in-store when you see something interesting online and want to learn more about it.
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, and haptic (touch). Augmentation of information about the environment in which the user finds themselves.
In other words: It’s like looking at an object through your phone screen and being able to see extra information about it. This could include where it was made or what materials are used in its construction as well as its price and availability at nearby stores or worldwide shipping stores.
Similar technology could also be used while browsing web pages or using apps on web pages so that you can see reviews from previous customers right next to each product listing. And, the future of eCommerce delivery retailers will use augmented reality to display items that customers want to purchase, as well as provide them with information about the product and how it can be used. Some retailers are already taking advantage of this technology; for example, Ikea is using augmented reality to help customers visualize and plan out their furniture purchases.
Virtual Reality
A person using specialized electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors, can interact with a virtual reality (VR) simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment in a way that appears real or physical.
VR creates an immersive experience for the user, who becomes part of what is happening around them. It’s not just about watching things happen; you’re actually partaking in it—and that changes everything!
Wearable Tech
The eCommerce of the future is going to be driven by the continued growth of wearable tech.
In today’s world, many people are connected at all times through their smartphones. They check emails, respond to texts, and take calls from wherever they are—on the street, in a meeting, or even at dinner with friends. Wearable tech provides an easy way for consumers to stay connected with their phones without having them physically on them at all times.
Self-Driving Cars
Self-driving cars are the future of transportation, and it’s not likely to be long before they become the new normal.
They’ll be safer than human-driven vehicles because there will be no risk of driver error or distraction.
They’ll also save money on fuel costs since autonomous vehicles will always follow the most efficient route without any traffic lights or stop signs holding them back.
Finally, self-driving automobiles will make travel much more accessible and convenient for everyone: You won’t need a car to move about anymore; you may order an Uber taxi or Lyft at your home with only a few clicks on your phone!
Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The IoT refers to the connection between any devices or machines that can be accessed on the internet.
The collection of data from IoT devices is used for machine-to-machine communication but also for people to monitor their home appliances remotely. It can also be used for telematics in vehicles or wearable devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches. IoT eCommerce models include mobile payments through smartphones or wearables (e.g., Apple Pay), digital wallets (eBay Wallet), cryptocurrency payment options such as Bitcoin or Litecoin, as well as third-party services such as PayPal or Google Wallet.
Shopping by Touch
Touch is the next future of eCommerce technology. Touch is a natural way to shop for products and services, and it’s an intuitive way to communicate with a product or service provider. Touch will be integrated into our daily lives in many different ways: from smart home applications that adjust lighting or heating using touch panels to interactive digital signage systems that allow customers to browse menus or order takeout food directly through the screen.
In addition, order management eCommerce systems will allow businesses to provide services on-demand and at the right place and time. For example, a customer could order a meal or taxi by touching the screen at their local restaurant or train station. The system will automatically estimate how long it will take for the food or cab to arrive, so customers can continue enjoying their evening without worrying about missing out on anything.
Touch screens will also become more widespread in traditional brick-and-mortar retail outlets, as they provide another way for retailers to interact with customers while they’re shopping (at least compared with today’s mobile devices). In fact, there are already several examples of this happening today—from Amazon Go stores where you can grab what you want and leave without waiting in line at checkout counters, to interactive displays within some McDonald’s restaurants where customers can order their meals on self-service kiosks rather than interacting with human staff members who often serve as just another barrier between us and our food after we’ve ordered it!
Subscription Model for Products and Services
You may have heard about the subscription model for products and services. This business model allows companies to charge a recurring fee for access to your product or service. This is good for both consumers and businesses because it allows you to pay less than paying the full price over time, while also helping the company predict its revenue.
Subscription models have been around since the beginning of time. Think about how we pay our cell phone bills every month even though we don’t use all our minutes every month? Or how does Netflix charge us $8 per month whether we watch one movie or five? The subscription model has always been popular in other industries too: magazines (like The Economist), sporting events (like professional sports leagues), online video streaming sites (like YouTube), etc., but now it seems like it’s becoming more popular with eCommerce businesses as well.
Final Words:
In conclusion, the future of eCommerce and the future of b2b eCommerce is exciting and holds many possibilities.
And, eCommerce order fulfilment can be a great way for you to increase your revenue by providing a better customer experience and increasing conversion.
We are now at the beginning of a new era in which technological advancements will change how consumers shop and what they expect from retailers. International shipping sites have become so popular that it’s no longer just an option—it’s expected. Consumers want to be able to shop anywhere, anytime with ease, especially when it comes to buying products that don’t need immediate delivery such as electronics or appliances.