You can be eligible for a designation of first priority if you’re applying for an immigrant visa based on your place of employment (EB-1). These visas are reserved especially for non-citizens who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their specialised fields. These persons tend to be academics, researchers, artists, sports, and business leaders.

You must comprehend what constitutes an unusual ability and how to prove it in order to benefit from this classification.

Make sure you rely on an experienced Dallas EB1 visa lawyer when it comes to immigration law.

A remarkable talent

Possessing a globally renowned award is the simplest and quickest approach to showing outstanding abilities. Olympic Medals, Nobel Prizes, and Pulitzer Prizes are examples of awards that fall within this category. The restriction is that you have to demonstrate your intention to carry on with the work for which you have already been praised. You won’t require an employment offer to apply, which is the (substantial) benefit.

More people than those who have received the above accolades qualify as extraordinary abilities. Ten different requirements are listed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Even if only three of the ten requirements are met, you still meet the criteria for outstanding talent.

Executives & Academics

There are only six academic requirements in the entire list the USCIS created. Despite the reduced list, just two of the six requirements must be met. Additionally, you must have at least three years of experience and want to pursue a tenure-track position at a university that can attest to having at least three full-time researchers on staff.

In contrast to those who fit the qualifications in the previous section, academics, professors, and researchers require an employment offer.

There is no list of requirements you must complete to be considered for this designation as a manager or executive. You must have held a job for at least a year in the three years prior to the request. There will be a U.S. petitioner under these circumstances (the company that intends to employ you).

The business must have been operating within the United States for a year is another crucial need. In other words, they cannot petition on your behalf for another year if you are employed by a corporation in a foreign nation that later relocates to the United States. They must also keep you on as a manager or executive.