Tires, being the primary means of stopping your automobile, should be one of your first expenditures as a car owner. After going through the stress of purchasing a vehicle, the last thing you want to do is deal with a similar situation when it comes time to replace the tires. We’ve compiled a list of nine essential tire-buying guidelines in the hopes of making your tire-searching experience more pleasant.
• First, you should be sure that you do need new tires. Check it out with your naked eye. Extreme tread wear, broken sidewalls, discoloration, or bulging are all signs that it’s time to replace your tires.
Tires should be replaced if they are more than 10 years old, even if they still appear OK since rubber deteriorates when exposed to oxygen.
• Make sure your automobile is in excellent working order. If your tires are wearing unevenly, it might be a symptom of alignment or suspension problems, so be sure to check them. Look for warnings such as uneven tread wear or more wear on one side of the tire than the other.
New tires are wasted on a vehicle with poor alignment or worn-out shocks. You’re going to require new tires shortly since the new ones will wear out unevenly.
Before you purchase new tires, most shops will look at the ones you already have and offer you an honest opinion on how well they’re holding up. Before you take your vehicle to the tire shop, get it checked out by your reliable mechanic; a second view from an expert who isn’t attempting to sell you anything is always welcome.
• Verify the vehicle’s sticker and manual for more safety and maintenance information. Both the owner’s handbook and the information placard will tell you what tire size and type the car’s manufacturer thinks are optimal.
Your vehicle’s necessary information placard may be found permanently affixed to a door edge, door post, glove box door, or the inside of the trunk lid. Some older vehicles may have covered it up with paint, but it is still there.
Ask your dealer or go on the manufacturer’s website, and you should be able to get a new owner’s handbook for a reasonable price if you have misplaced your original.
• Focus on the wheel bearings. A set of new wheels is one of the most sought-after auto accessories in the modern day. When it comes time to replace your tires, you may want to also consider purchasing a new set of wheels if your present ones are too old or too damaged to be driven on safely.
When shopping for wheels, you need to think about more than just their looks. To the best of your ability, replicate the manufacturer’s original sizing. There’s some tricky arithmetic involved in ensuring sure the tires and wheels fit the vehicle, even if larger wheels look cool. One can search for tire stores near me for online support.
As wheel size increases, so does the minimum aspect ratio of tire that may be used. To maintain the same outer diameter as the original tires even when the wheel diameter increases, the sidewalls must be shortened.
The sidewall plays a vital role in handling, and it also contributes significantly to comfort and noise. The shorter the sidewall, the less it flexes as the vehicle turns, which is wonderful for sporty handling but not so great for soaking up bumps and imperfections in the road. A rougher ride and more nimbleness might result from upgrading to larger wheels.
Furthermore, aftermarket wheels are often heavier than factory wheels, which may hurt the vehicle’s suspension and gas consumption.
However, you may still wish to upgrade to larger wheels for your vehicle. Do your homework before making a final choice, and don’t let style override practicality or safety concerns. How to Clean Your Car’s Tires and Wheels, from AOL Autos