Are you trying to crack the code to clear the civil service exams? Don’t worry; there are many students in the same boat.

Here’s your first tip—don’t fill out the application unless you’re ready to devote yourself to preparing for civil service exams. This exam is very different from what you have given throughout your life in college and high school and comes with certain dos and don’ts that you must follow.

If you’re having issues preparing, register now with Civil Service Success for the upcoming Suffolk police exam preparation.

This post will tell you about the dos and don’ts of preparing for civil service exams to ace them with flying colors.

1. Don’t Forget to Make a Schedule

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not making a proper schedule. The civil exam consists of multiple sections, and you will be reading at least 3-4 books to ace each of them.

You can easily get overwhelmed by the information around you, so focus on one thing at a time. Here are some tips for making a study plan.

  • Dedicate each day to a particular subject/section
  • Make a list of goals for each day
  • Take at least one mock test every day to check your score

Follow these tips to cover all topics for the civil service exam successfully.

A woman starting to prepare a study plan for the NYC sanitation exam

2. Do Prepare a List of Important Points for Each Topic

Spare at least a month before your exam to revise important topics. Cramming right before your exam can cloud your judgment, and you can make mistakes during the exam.

You will not have enough time to review all lessons again, so make a list of important points for each topic while preparing. You can always go back to those notes and revise important points in a jiffy. It will save you from all the hassle!

3. Don’t Fall for Scam Teachers

There might come a time when you need professional help. Save this tip for that time—don’t ever fall for scam teachers who offer huge discounts to lure students.

They will waste your time by providing outdated study material, offering inaccurate federal job updates, and improper customer service. It would help if you had a teacher who is fully aware of the industry, offers you updated study material and prepares you through mock tests and training.

4. Do Give Yourself a Year to Prepare for the Exam

Many students jump right into it and don’t give themselves enough time to prepare for the exam. Mind that it only happens every 4-5 years, so you must be fully prepared.

A year is ideal for studying all subjects, preparing for physical exams, and buckling up for the interview phase. It will save you from exhaustion due to a plethora of information or the lack of retention for a long time.

A girl studying for the civil service exam

5. Don’t Quit Social Gatherings

Just by looking at the coursework for the exam, you can easily tell that its preparation will take a lot of time. Many students dedicate their entire life to studying for the exam and forget they have a social life.

Indulging yourself in studies all day can lead to burnout, which gradually decreases your productivity. Instead of risking your hard work, spare some time every week to chill with your friends and family. It will take your mind off your studies and will re-start your mind to focus better.

This tip might be last on the list, but it’s extremely important to mark your sanity in check. Follow this tip while preparing for the NYC sanitation exam, firefighter exam, or NYC court officer exam.

Are You Unable to Decide where to Start From? Civil Service Success Can Help You!

Anyone can get confused about where to start to prepare for the civil service exam. You need an expert’s help to sort out your schedule, prepare a study plan, and help you through each topic.

There’s no one better for this than Civil Service Success. They are the only ones preparing students for the NYC court officer exam, sanitation exam, firefighter exam, and Suffolk police exam. They have a huge team of qualified teachers who have dedicated their lives to these federal jobs.

A police officer can guide you better about your physical exam than a textbook. So, why risk your preparation to textbook reading only? With Civil Service Success, you get exposure to the real world through the teachers’ lens.

The civil services exams are a lifetime opportunity offering multiple benefits to the candidates—beware of risking it!

You can check out their website and register for preparation for the upcoming Suffolk police exam. You can also subscribe to their email newsletter to stay updated with everything.

Contact them now for more details.

About the Author

Sarah Lee is an aspiring civil service exam candidate. She has always been a great student, and her love for serving the country encouraged her to apply for federal jobs. She recently gave the exam and is hoping to clear the exam. Meanwhile, here are some tips from here to help future students prepare well for the test.