Mushroom farming is one of the most lucrative agricultural businesses you can start with by investing a small amount and a small area. The cultivation of mushroom in India is slowly growing as another source of income for many people. Globally, the US, China, Italy and the fun dip are the leading producers of mushrooms. In India, Uttar Pradesh is a leading mushroom producer followed by Tripura and Kerala.

In this article we will tell you the perfect way to plant paddy straw mushroom, oyster mushroom and button mushroom.

Different types of mushrooms

  • There are different
  • types of mushrooms grown
  • all over the world
  • They are like this

Button mushroom, oyster mushroom & paddy straw are the three major varieties used in India. Paddy straw mushrooms can grow in temperatures ranging from 35 – 40 Degree Celcius. On the other hand oyster mushrooms are planted in the northern plains while buttoned mushrooms grow during the winter. All of these commercially important mushrooms are grown in different ways and techniques. Mushrooms are grown in special beds known as compost beds.

How to Enlarge Mushroom Button

Check out the step-by-step method to grow button mushrooms;

Making Manure

The first step in planting mushrooms is to make compost in an open area. The mushroom composting yard is prepared in a clean, raised concrete area. They should be raised so that more water can be collected in the pile. Although fertilizer is made in the open, it should be covered to protect it from rainwater. Prepared compost is 2 types – natural and synthetic compost. Compost is made of trays with a size of 100 X 50 X 15 cm.

Compostable Manure for Growing Mushrooms

Composting elements include wheat grass, bran, urea, calcium ammonium nitrate / ammonium sulphate and gypsum. The straw should be cut to 8 to 20 cm. in length. It is then spread evenly to form a thin layer in the compost yard. After this it is thoroughly immersed in a splash of water. The next step is to combine all the other ingredients such as urea, bran, gypsum, calcium nitrate and wet grass and mix them into piles.

Natural Compost

Here the ingredients needed for horse manure, chicken manure, wheat grass and gypsum. Wheat grass should be carefully cut. Horse manure should not be mixed with other animal dung.

It must be reclaimed and not exposed to rain. After the ingredients are mixed, they are evenly distributed in the composting yard. Water is sprinkled on top to water the grass. It is piled up and disposed of in such a way as to form synthetic manure. As a result of fermentation, the bulk temperature rises and emits an odor due to the release of ammonia. This is a sign that the compost is open. The pile is turned every three days and sprinkled with water.

Filling Manure With Trays

The prepared compost is dark brown. If you are filling compost on trays, it should not be too wet or too dry. When the compost is dry sprinkle a few drops of water. If there is too much moisture, allow some water to evaporate. The size of the fun dip distribution trays can be as per your agreement. However, it should be 15 to 18 cm deep. Also, make sure the trays are made of soft wood. Trays should be filled with compost on the edge and evenly spaced.