In one small company, employees who were enthusiastic about their work were held back by the manager/owner of the company. Expectations were high, but the ability to communicate them effectively was low. Instead of clearly communicating in advance what needs to be done, tasks are set at the last minute, leaving insufficient time to do quality work. Employees felt that they had to do the work and that they had no choice. They worked more than they should have and even came in on weekends to finish their work. And they finished the job despite new challenges along the way. And no sooner was it finished than the next impossible task was put on the table. There was no recognition for completing the impossible task, only the anticipation of the next task.
What happens to employees if they are not recognized and valued? The workforce becomes less productive. Productivity surveys show year after year that employees are motivated primarily by social praise, success and recognition, not money. When managers and leaders constantly demand, demand, demand, demand, without acknowledging that their employees have met and exceeded deadlines, it can lead to low worker morale. Employees become frustrated because, even though they work hard, they are not recognized. Frustration turns to anger and they wonder why they have to work so hard.
Managers and owners can take simple steps to.
- Set reasonable goals
- Agree with employees on what they can do
- Empower employees
- Recognize employees in the form of appreciation and recognition.
By following these simple steps, managers can improve the work environment and overall performance. Positive, proactive employees improve the bottom line.
Effective use of screen monitoring software and employee performance improvement systems is another strategy to help employees reach their full potential. Employees who meet with their managers in a positive uplift system respond to coaching and feedback from their superiors. Managers need to build trust and relationships when they leave a previously less supportive environment.
Performance improvement systems work with employees to develop performance improvement plans and focus on the company’s most important goals. Managers become leaders who lead employees. This shift begins to completely change the culture of the company. A positive employee culture improves overall business results. The benefits to the organization are enormous.
The employee performance improvement system includes
- Performance improvement planning workshops
- Coaching training for managers
- Plan reviews with managers
- Online review of progress against objectives and goals
- Monthly coaching sessions with managers to record and review goals.
This helps increase productivity and achieve better results. Monthly coaching also reduces the stress of meeting with staff.
Monthly coaching allows managers to give regular feedback, appreciation and encouragement. Teams become highly productive and responsive.