Building Muscles is the ability of Muscles or a Group of Muscles to perform the action for a longer time without getting tired. By Building muscular endurance, performing physical tasks for a long duration gets easy. Whereas Stamina is the ability of muscles to perform at the maximum capacity for long as they can.
As long as your body keeps supplying your Muscles with Oxygen and your Muscles have not been overworked, You are able to exercise or build Muscles and increase stamina.
Doing fewer repetitions with heavy weights helps you increase your Stamina whereas Doing more Repetitions with lighter weights will help build muscles.
Being Stronger does, to an extent require more muscle, and building more muscles generally means more strength. Especially for Beginners, it’s a guarantee that you will get stronger and bigger once you start lifting since any type of extensive muscle stimulation will invoke some degree of muscle hypertrophy and stamina gains just from the novelty of training itself.
Stamina is achieved through a sufficient training stimulus, like lifting weights, and sufficient nutrient intake like eating more proteins. Stamina can also dramatically increase, especially in beginners, through simple practice.
As all of us know, starting any new physical skill isn’t easy and we often exert much more effort and energy to start out. Lifting Training is no different as you become more efficient with your techniques and form in something like the squat, then you’ll be able to effectively squat much heavier weights. Consistent muscle training can improve muscle stamina as well.
Now about Building Muscle, Similar to stamina, increasing contractile proteins will also increase muscle size. This is known as myofibrillar hypertrophy.
So, in short, You are not getting much of everything, Your body has got a limited capacity to adapt and many times one adaptation takes away from another adaptation. For eg., If someone is looking for maximum Stamina power and doing long-distance running that requires the body to become very efficient with calories to be very light which also means not having many muscles. Now if the person is doing that simultaneously with heavy strength training which is telling the body to not be efficient with calories right to burn more calories and to be strong which requires more muscle, they tend to conflict and so will be able to get a little bit of each but not a lot of.
So you must know and work in a way to what you want, Think about the physical attributes, think about the adaptations
For the average person who’s not going to work out very much, does two-three days a week, wants to burn body fat, and does the most effective and efficient way possible focusing on Stamina.
But if you are working out a lot, and building muscles, do all of them every day and you will achieve them.
You can improve your stamina as well as your muscle building by regularly performing an aerobic exercise that actually challenges your lungs and heart.